Country: | |
Display: |
# | Country | 1 Liter Price |
1 | Venezuela | 0.002 BGN |
2 | Lebanon | 0.027 BGN |
3 | Libya | 0.056 BGN |
4 | Angola | 0.595 BGN |
5 | Egypt | 0.609 BGN |
6 | Kuwait | 0.617 BGN |
7 | Algeria | 0.621 BGN |
8 | Iran | 0.646 BGN |
9 | Turkmenistan | 0.777 BGN |
10 | Malaysia | 0.838 BGN |
11 | Kazakhstan | 0.882 BGN |
12 | Bahrain | 0.962 BGN |
13 | Bolivia | 0.981 BGN |
14 | Nigeria | 0.985 BGN |
15 | Qatar | 1.045 BGN |
16 | Saudi Arabia | 1.126 BGN |
17 | Oman | 1.126 BGN |
18 | Azerbaijan | 1.173 BGN |
19 | Iraq | 1.176 BGN |
20 | Ecuador | 1.280 BGN |
21 | United Arab Emirates | 1.288 BGN |
22 | Russia | 1.299 BGN |
23 | Bhutan | 1.399 BGN |
24 | Ethiopia | 1.411 BGN |
25 | Vietnam | 1.417 BGN |
26 | Tunisia | 1.478 BGN |
27 | Indonesia | 1.481 BGN |
28 | Kyrgyzstan | 1.522 BGN |
29 | Chad | 1.545 BGN |
30 | Afghanistan | 1.550 BGN |
31 | Paraguay | 1.573 BGN |
32 | Liberia | 1.577 BGN |
33 | USA | 1.628 BGN |
34 | Maldives | 1.645 BGN |
35 | Pakistan | 1.656 BGN |
36 | Panama | 1.657 BGN |
37 | Puerto Rico | 1.660 BGN |
38 | Taiwan | 1.683 BGN |
39 | Syria | 1.715 BGN |
40 | Gabon | 1.775 BGN |
41 | Uzbekistan | 1.788 BGN |
42 | Philippines | 1.814 BGN |
43 | Colombia | 1.817 BGN |
44 | Ghana | 1.843 BGN |
45 | El Salvador | 1.858 BGN |
46 | Guyana | 1.858 BGN |
47 | Bangladesh | 1.880 BGN |
48 | DR Congo | 1.890 BGN |
49 | Honduras | 1.897 BGN |
50 | Sudan | 1.902 BGN |
51 | Guatemala | 1.909 BGN |
52 | Botswana | 1.962 BGN |
53 | Lesotho | 2.003 BGN |
54 | Cambodia | 2.012 BGN |
55 | Brazil | 2.016 BGN |
56 | China | 2.020 BGN |
57 | Togo | 2.028 BGN |
58 | Peru | 2.040 BGN |
59 | Haiti | 2.047 BGN |
60 | Swaziland | 2.052 BGN |
61 | Tanzania | 2.054 BGN |
62 | Trinidad&Tobago | 2.066 BGN |
63 | Madagascar | 2.068 BGN |
64 | Georgia | 2.068 BGN |
65 | Rwanda | 2.071 BGN |
66 | Benin | 2.073 BGN |
67 | Mongolia | 2.086 BGN |
68 | Mali | 2.088 BGN |
69 | South Korea | 2.106 BGN |
70 | Argentina | 2.107 BGN |
71 | Namibia | 2.109 BGN |
72 | India | 2.140 BGN |
73 | Grenada | 2.146 BGN |
74 | Jamaica | 2.153 BGN |
75 | Nepal | 2.155 BGN |
76 | Turkey | 2.158 BGN |
77 | Suriname | 2.160 BGN |
78 | South Africa | 2.181 BGN |
79 | Zambia | 2.191 BGN |
80 | Dominican Republic | 2.199 BGN |
81 | Canada | 2.222 BGN |
82 | Japan | 2.226 BGN |
83 | Sri Lanka | 2.269 BGN |
84 | Australia | 2.285 BGN |
85 | Mexico | 2.304 BGN |
86 | Moldova | 2.310 BGN |
87 | Laos | 2.317 BGN |
88 | Sierra Leone | 2.360 BGN |
89 | Northern Macedonia | 2.368 BGN |
90 | Thailand | 2.383 BGN |
91 | Dominica | 2.408 BGN |
92 | Nicaragua | 2.414 BGN |
93 | Aruba | 2.423 BGN |
94 | Mauritius | 2.427 BGN |
95 | Bosnia & Herz. | 2.427 BGN |
96 | Mozambique | 2.434 BGN |
97 | Saint Lucia | 2.434 BGN |
98 | Kenya | 2.454 BGN |
99 | Armenia | 2.454 BGN |
100 | Burundi | 2.460 BGN |
101 | Costa Rica | 2.480 BGN |
102 | Uganda | 2.492 BGN |
103 | Ukraine | 2.511 BGN |
104 | Guinea | 2.515 BGN |
105 | Chile | 2.515 BGN |
106 | Morocco | 2.517 BGN |
107 | Cape Verde | 2.532 BGN |
108 | Burkina Faso | 2.535 BGN |
109 | Bulgaria | 2.544 BGN |
110 | Bahamas | 2.608 BGN |
111 | Ivory Coast | 2.610 BGN |
112 | Seychelles | 2.617 BGN |
113 | Malta | 2.622 BGN |
114 | Cayman Islands | 2.629 BGN |
115 | Andorra | 2.641 BGN |
116 | Malawi | 2.645 BGN |
117 | Cyprus | 2.743 BGN |
118 | Burma | 2.790 BGN |
119 | Czech Republic | 2.797 BGN |
120 | Jordan | 2.838 BGN |
121 | Romania | 2.841 BGN |
122 | Luxembourg | 2.854 BGN |
123 | Lithuania | 2.864 BGN |
124 | Poland | 2.867 BGN |
125 | Sweden | 2.870 BGN |
126 | Slovenia | 2.884 BGN |
127 | Austria | 2.911 BGN |
128 | Spain | 2.942 BGN |
129 | Senegal | 2.953 BGN |
130 | Hungary | 2.965 BGN |
131 | Belgium | 2.989 BGN |
132 | Latvia | 3.013 BGN |
133 | Slovakia | 3.019 BGN |
134 | Serbia | 3.021 BGN |
135 | Croatia | 3.058 BGN |
136 | Estonia | 3.073 BGN |
137 | Belize | 3.174 BGN |
138 | United Kingdom | 3.238 BGN |
139 | Central African Rep. | 3.281 BGN |
140 | Germany | 3.283 BGN |
141 | New Zealand | 3.295 BGN |
142 | Monaco | 3.304 BGN |
143 | Portugal | 3.306 BGN |
144 | France | 3.347 BGN |
145 | Finland | 3.371 BGN |
146 | Uruguay | 3.375 BGN |
147 | Albania | 3.435 BGN |
148 | Greece | 3.439 BGN |
149 | Ireland | 3.504 BGN |
150 | Italy | 3.519 BGN |
151 | Mayotte | 3.521 BGN |
152 | Barbados | 3.525 BGN |
153 | Norway | 3.551 BGN |
154 | Switzerland | 3.559 BGN |
155 | Liechtenstein | 3.717 BGN |
156 | Singapore | 3.738 BGN |
157 | Netherlands | 3.748 BGN |
158 | Denmark | 3.799 BGN |
159 | Iceland | 4.250 BGN |
160 | Yemen | 4.714 BGN |
161 | Hong Kong | 6.211 BGN |
162 | Cuba | 10.981 BGN |
Here, you can find a comparison of worldwide gasoline (or petrol) price in Bulgarian Lev. As per our calculation, the global average of petrol price is 2.3 BGN approximately, while 2.544 BGN is the current petrol price in Bulgaria.
The fuel price collection data (i.e., Gasoline price in Bulgaria, etc.) is listed below in the table.
The currency information (i.e., BGN) was last updated on 2025-03-25 22:05:00 (GMT Time). Some countries of the world are missing in the above list.
We provide all information on this website subject to our privacy policy, disclaimer, etc.
Fuel Type | Date Updated |
Gasoline (Petrol): | 2025-03-17 |
Diesel : | 2025-03-17 |