Country: | |
Display: |
# | Country | 1 Liter Price |
1 | Venezuela | 0.002 BGN |
2 | Lebanon | 0.028 BGN |
3 | Libya | 0.057 BGN |
4 | Angola | 0.612 BGN |
5 | Egypt | 0.628 BGN |
6 | Kuwait | 0.636 BGN |
7 | Algeria | 0.637 BGN |
8 | Iran | 0.666 BGN |
9 | Turkmenistan | 0.801 BGN |
10 | Malaysia | 0.867 BGN |
11 | Kazakhstan | 0.904 BGN |
12 | Bahrain | 0.992 BGN |
13 | Bolivia | 1.011 BGN |
14 | Qatar | 1.076 BGN |
15 | Nigeria | 1.155 BGN |
16 | Oman | 1.160 BGN |
17 | Saudi Arabia | 1.161 BGN |
18 | Azerbaijan | 1.209 BGN |
19 | Iraq | 1.212 BGN |
20 | Russia | 1.273 BGN |
21 | United Arab Emirates | 1.338 BGN |
22 | Ecuador | 1.366 BGN |
23 | Bhutan | 1.426 BGN |
24 | Indonesia | 1.468 BGN |
25 | Tunisia | 1.492 BGN |
26 | Ethiopia | 1.505 BGN |
27 | Kyrgyzstan | 1.528 BGN |
28 | Chad | 1.544 BGN |
29 | Vietnam | 1.569 BGN |
30 | Afghanistan | 1.591 BGN |
31 | Liberia | 1.627 BGN |
32 | Paraguay | 1.641 BGN |
33 | Maldives | 1.696 BGN |
34 | Pakistan | 1.712 BGN |
35 | USA | 1.717 BGN |
36 | Panama | 1.723 BGN |
37 | Syria | 1.768 BGN |
38 | Gabon | 1.773 BGN |
39 | Puerto Rico | 1.775 BGN |
40 | Taiwan | 1.784 BGN |
41 | Uzbekistan | 1.861 BGN |
42 | Ghana | 1.896 BGN |
43 | Colombia | 1.907 BGN |
44 | Guyana | 1.915 BGN |
45 | El Salvador | 1.934 BGN |
46 | Bangladesh | 1.937 BGN |
47 | DR Congo | 1.951 BGN |
48 | Sudan | 1.959 BGN |
49 | Honduras | 1.986 BGN |
50 | Botswana | 2.002 BGN |
51 | Togo | 2.027 BGN |
52 | Tanzania | 2.032 BGN |
53 | Guatemala | 2.033 BGN |
54 | Philippines | 2.037 BGN |
55 | Lesotho | 2.052 BGN |
56 | Benin | 2.072 BGN |
57 | Brazil | 2.077 BGN |
58 | Mali | 2.086 BGN |
59 | Swaziland | 2.099 BGN |
60 | Namibia | 2.105 BGN |
61 | Georgia | 2.105 BGN |
62 | Haiti | 2.106 BGN |
63 | Trinidad&Tobago | 2.131 BGN |
64 | Cambodia | 2.142 BGN |
65 | Grenada | 2.144 BGN |
66 | Mongolia | 2.150 BGN |
67 | China | 2.152 BGN |
68 | Argentina | 2.155 BGN |
69 | Peru | 2.155 BGN |
70 | Rwanda | 2.168 BGN |
71 | Madagascar | 2.173 BGN |
72 | India | 2.180 BGN |
73 | South Africa | 2.239 BGN |
74 | South Korea | 2.256 BGN |
75 | Suriname | 2.270 BGN |
76 | Nepal | 2.272 BGN |
77 | Jamaica | 2.282 BGN |
78 | Dominican Republic | 2.298 BGN |
79 | Japan | 2.312 BGN |
80 | Zambia | 2.319 BGN |
81 | Mexico | 2.338 BGN |
82 | Sri Lanka | 2.344 BGN |
83 | Australia | 2.375 BGN |
84 | Turkey | 2.379 BGN |
85 | Canada | 2.391 BGN |
86 | Cape Verde | 2.428 BGN |
87 | Sierra Leone | 2.433 BGN |
88 | Moldova | 2.464 BGN |
89 | Mauritius | 2.471 BGN |
90 | Costa Rica | 2.482 BGN |
91 | Dominica | 2.482 BGN |
92 | Nicaragua | 2.486 BGN |
93 | Bosnia & Herz. | 2.490 BGN |
94 | Thailand | 2.509 BGN |
95 | Aruba | 2.509 BGN |
96 | Saint Lucia | 2.510 BGN |
97 | Bulgaria | 2.512 BGN |
98 | Armenia | 2.513 BGN |
99 | Mozambique | 2.522 BGN |
100 | Burundi | 2.523 BGN |
101 | Northern Macedonia | 2.525 BGN |
102 | Kenya | 2.527 BGN |
103 | Burkina Faso | 2.534 BGN |
104 | Morocco | 2.539 BGN |
105 | Uganda | 2.564 BGN |
106 | Laos | 2.567 BGN |
107 | Chile | 2.584 BGN |
108 | Guinea | 2.593 BGN |
109 | Ivory Coast | 2.608 BGN |
110 | Malta | 2.620 BGN |
111 | Ukraine | 2.631 BGN |
112 | Seychelles | 2.674 BGN |
113 | Cayman Islands | 2.712 BGN |
114 | Bahamas | 2.725 BGN |
115 | Malawi | 2.726 BGN |
116 | Andorra | 2.743 BGN |
117 | Cyprus | 2.804 BGN |
118 | Czech Republic | 2.844 BGN |
119 | Lithuania | 2.911 BGN |
120 | Jordan | 2.925 BGN |
121 | Poland | 2.926 BGN |
122 | Sweden | 2.943 BGN |
123 | Burma | 2.950 BGN |
124 | Senegal | 2.951 BGN |
125 | Romania | 2.966 BGN |
126 | Slovenia | 2.987 BGN |
127 | Luxembourg | 3.015 BGN |
128 | Spain | 3.056 BGN |
129 | Hungary | 3.059 BGN |
130 | Austria | 3.085 BGN |
131 | Croatia | 3.095 BGN |
132 | Slovakia | 3.103 BGN |
133 | Serbia | 3.136 BGN |
134 | Belgium | 3.144 BGN |
135 | Latvia | 3.163 BGN |
136 | Estonia | 3.214 BGN |
137 | Belize | 3.270 BGN |
138 | United Kingdom | 3.279 BGN |
139 | Central African Rep. | 3.279 BGN |
140 | New Zealand | 3.401 BGN |
141 | Uruguay | 3.403 BGN |
142 | Albania | 3.418 BGN |
143 | Monaco | 3.422 BGN |
144 | Finland | 3.431 BGN |
145 | Germany | 3.431 BGN |
146 | France | 3.455 BGN |
147 | Portugal | 3.466 BGN |
148 | Mayotte | 3.539 BGN |
149 | Ireland | 3.543 BGN |
150 | Italy | 3.590 BGN |
151 | Greece | 3.596 BGN |
152 | Norway | 3.611 BGN |
153 | Barbados | 3.635 BGN |
154 | Switzerland | 3.677 BGN |
155 | Liechtenstein | 3.767 BGN |
156 | Netherlands | 3.844 BGN |
157 | Singapore | 3.896 BGN |
158 | Denmark | 3.964 BGN |
159 | Iceland | 4.226 BGN |
160 | Yemen | 4.836 BGN |
161 | Hong Kong | 6.359 BGN |
162 | Cuba | 11.322 BGN |
Here, you can find a comparison of worldwide gasoline (or petrol) price in Bulgarian Lev. As per our calculation, the global average of petrol price is 2.4 BGN approximately, while 2.512 BGN is the current petrol price in Bulgaria.
The fuel price collection data (i.e., Gasoline price in Bulgaria, etc.) is listed below in the table.
The currency information (i.e., BGN) was last updated on 2025-02-22 07:05:23 (GMT Time). Some countries of the world are missing in the above list.
We provide all information on this website subject to our privacy policy, disclaimer, etc.
Fuel Type | Date Updated |
Gasoline (Petrol): | 2025-02-17 |
Diesel : | 2025-02-17 |