Country: | |
Display: |
# | Country | 1 Liter Price |
1 | Venezuela | 0.002 BGN |
2 | Lebanon | 0.028 BGN |
3 | Libya | 0.057 BGN |
4 | Angola | 0.620 BGN |
5 | Egypt | 0.636 BGN |
6 | Algeria | 0.639 BGN |
7 | Kuwait | 0.642 BGN |
8 | Iran | 0.671 BGN |
9 | Turkmenistan | 0.805 BGN |
10 | Malaysia | 0.862 BGN |
11 | Kazakhstan | 0.869 BGN |
12 | Bahrain | 0.999 BGN |
13 | Bolivia | 1.015 BGN |
14 | Qatar | 1.083 BGN |
15 | Russia | 1.130 BGN |
16 | Saudi Arabia | 1.170 BGN |
17 | Oman | 1.170 BGN |
18 | Azerbaijan | 1.219 BGN |
19 | Iraq | 1.222 BGN |
20 | United Arab Emirates | 1.282 BGN |
21 | Ecuador | 1.351 BGN |
22 | Bhutan | 1.381 BGN |
23 | Nigeria | 1.438 BGN |
24 | Indonesia | 1.478 BGN |
25 | Tunisia | 1.481 BGN |
26 | Ethiopia | 1.496 BGN |
27 | Chad | 1.544 BGN |
28 | Kyrgyzstan | 1.554 BGN |
29 | Liberia | 1.580 BGN |
30 | Paraguay | 1.583 BGN |
31 | Afghanistan | 1.591 BGN |
32 | Vietnam | 1.601 BGN |
33 | USA | 1.690 BGN |
34 | Maldives | 1.709 BGN |
35 | Panama | 1.716 BGN |
36 | Pakistan | 1.730 BGN |
37 | Taiwan | 1.769 BGN |
38 | Gabon | 1.773 BGN |
39 | Puerto Rico | 1.784 BGN |
40 | Colombia | 1.804 BGN |
41 | El Salvador | 1.865 BGN |
42 | Uzbekistan | 1.874 BGN |
43 | Brazil | 1.920 BGN |
44 | Lesotho | 1.927 BGN |
45 | Bangladesh | 1.931 BGN |
46 | Guyana | 1.936 BGN |
47 | Honduras | 1.948 BGN |
48 | Ghana | 1.955 BGN |
49 | Guatemala | 1.967 BGN |
50 | Sudan | 1.975 BGN |
51 | DR Congo | 1.976 BGN |
52 | Botswana | 1.987 BGN |
53 | Togo | 2.027 BGN |
54 | Namibia | 2.032 BGN |
55 | Georgia | 2.050 BGN |
56 | Swaziland | 2.069 BGN |
57 | Benin | 2.071 BGN |
58 | China | 2.075 BGN |
59 | Mali | 2.086 BGN |
60 | Tanzania | 2.087 BGN |
61 | Philippines | 2.090 BGN |
62 | Cambodia | 2.099 BGN |
63 | Rwanda | 2.108 BGN |
64 | Argentina | 2.117 BGN |
65 | Peru | 2.124 BGN |
66 | Haiti | 2.132 BGN |
67 | South Africa | 2.146 BGN |
68 | Trinidad&Tobago | 2.148 BGN |
69 | Mongolia | 2.168 BGN |
70 | Japan | 2.189 BGN |
71 | India | 2.200 BGN |
72 | South Korea | 2.208 BGN |
73 | Nepal | 2.217 BGN |
74 | Grenada | 2.265 BGN |
75 | Chile | 2.268 BGN |
76 | Suriname | 2.279 BGN |
77 | Jamaica | 2.297 BGN |
78 | Mexico | 2.309 BGN |
79 | Cape Verde | 2.317 BGN |
80 | Canada | 2.324 BGN |
81 | Zambia | 2.346 BGN |
82 | Australia | 2.349 BGN |
83 | Dominican Republic | 2.350 BGN |
84 | Sri Lanka | 2.353 BGN |
85 | Madagascar | 2.370 BGN |
86 | Turkey | 2.398 BGN |
87 | Bosnia & Herz. | 2.406 BGN |
88 | Moldova | 2.426 BGN |
89 | Aruba | 2.444 BGN |
90 | Sierra Leone | 2.452 BGN |
91 | Uganda | 2.460 BGN |
92 | Mauritius | 2.477 BGN |
93 | Morocco | 2.481 BGN |
94 | Armenia | 2.499 BGN |
95 | Dominica | 2.502 BGN |
96 | Nicaragua | 2.506 BGN |
97 | Costa Rica | 2.510 BGN |
98 | Bulgaria | 2.516 BGN |
99 | Syria | 2.521 BGN |
100 | Northern Macedonia | 2.528 BGN |
101 | Saint Lucia | 2.530 BGN |
102 | Thailand | 2.532 BGN |
103 | Burkina Faso | 2.533 BGN |
104 | Mozambique | 2.542 BGN |
105 | Kenya | 2.545 BGN |
106 | Burundi | 2.545 BGN |
107 | Laos | 2.570 BGN |
108 | Ukraine | 2.583 BGN |
109 | Ivory Coast | 2.608 BGN |
110 | Guinea | 2.614 BGN |
111 | Malta | 2.619 BGN |
112 | Bahamas | 2.660 BGN |
113 | Seychelles | 2.661 BGN |
114 | Andorra | 2.709 BGN |
115 | Cyprus | 2.725 BGN |
116 | Malawi | 2.747 BGN |
117 | Cayman Islands | 2.754 BGN |
118 | Czech Republic | 2.776 BGN |
119 | Poland | 2.810 BGN |
120 | Lithuania | 2.876 BGN |
121 | Burma | 2.878 BGN |
122 | Sweden | 2.898 BGN |
123 | Romania | 2.905 BGN |
124 | Jordan | 2.921 BGN |
125 | Senegal | 2.951 BGN |
126 | Slovenia | 2.963 BGN |
127 | Croatia | 2.967 BGN |
128 | Hungary | 2.984 BGN |
129 | Luxembourg | 2.999 BGN |
130 | Spain | 3.034 BGN |
131 | Slovakia | 3.051 BGN |
132 | Austria | 3.059 BGN |
133 | Serbia | 3.071 BGN |
134 | Latvia | 3.085 BGN |
135 | Belgium | 3.124 BGN |
136 | United Kingdom | 3.156 BGN |
137 | Estonia | 3.239 BGN |
138 | Central African Rep. | 3.279 BGN |
139 | Belize | 3.295 BGN |
140 | Monaco | 3.304 BGN |
141 | Finland | 3.356 BGN |
142 | Uruguay | 3.364 BGN |
143 | New Zealand | 3.369 BGN |
144 | Germany | 3.392 BGN |
145 | Mayotte | 3.421 BGN |
146 | Portugal | 3.421 BGN |
147 | Albania | 3.421 BGN |
148 | Ireland | 3.425 BGN |
149 | France | 3.433 BGN |
150 | Italy | 3.532 BGN |
151 | Greece | 3.550 BGN |
152 | Norway | 3.633 BGN |
153 | Barbados | 3.654 BGN |
154 | Switzerland | 3.657 BGN |
155 | Liechtenstein | 3.713 BGN |
156 | Netherlands | 3.822 BGN |
157 | Singapore | 3.841 BGN |
158 | Denmark | 3.920 BGN |
159 | Iceland | 4.207 BGN |
160 | Yemen | 4.837 BGN |
161 | Hong Kong | 6.388 BGN |
162 | Cuba | 11.412 BGN |
Here, you can find a comparison of worldwide gasoline (or petrol) price in Bulgarian Lev. As per our calculation, the global average of petrol price is 2.4 BGN approximately, while 2.516 BGN is the current petrol price in Bulgaria.
The fuel price collection data (i.e., Gasoline price in Bulgaria, etc.) is listed below in the table.
The currency information (i.e., BGN) was last updated on 2025-01-21 06:05:00 (GMT Time). Some countries of the world are missing in the above list.
We provide all information on this website subject to our privacy policy, disclaimer, etc.
Fuel Type | Date Updated |
Gasoline (Petrol): | 2025-01-13 |
Diesel : | 2025-01-13 |