Country: | |
Display: |
# | Country | 1 Liter Price |
1 | Venezuela | 0.002 BGN |
2 | Lebanon | 0.028 BGN |
3 | Libya | 0.057 BGN |
4 | Angola | 0.614 BGN |
5 | Egypt | 0.629 BGN |
6 | Kuwait | 0.637 BGN |
7 | Algeria | 0.638 BGN |
8 | Iran | 0.667 BGN |
9 | Turkmenistan | 0.801 BGN |
10 | Malaysia | 0.862 BGN |
11 | Kazakhstan | 0.916 BGN |
12 | Bahrain | 0.994 BGN |
13 | Bolivia | 1.013 BGN |
14 | Qatar | 1.080 BGN |
15 | Oman | 1.162 BGN |
16 | Saudi Arabia | 1.163 BGN |
17 | Azerbaijan | 1.212 BGN |
18 | Iraq | 1.214 BGN |
19 | Russia | 1.242 BGN |
20 | United Arab Emirates | 1.341 BGN |
21 | Ecuador | 1.343 BGN |
22 | Bhutan | 1.423 BGN |
23 | Indonesia | 1.469 BGN |
24 | Nigeria | 1.472 BGN |
25 | Ethiopia | 1.488 BGN |
26 | Tunisia | 1.493 BGN |
27 | Kyrgyzstan | 1.529 BGN |
28 | Chad | 1.545 BGN |
29 | Afghanistan | 1.570 BGN |
30 | Vietnam | 1.572 BGN |
31 | Liberia | 1.641 BGN |
32 | Paraguay | 1.641 BGN |
33 | Maldives | 1.699 BGN |
34 | Pakistan | 1.715 BGN |
35 | USA | 1.717 BGN |
36 | Panama | 1.726 BGN |
37 | Syria | 1.771 BGN |
38 | Gabon | 1.774 BGN |
39 | Puerto Rico | 1.781 BGN |
40 | Taiwan | 1.789 BGN |
41 | Uzbekistan | 1.854 BGN |
42 | Colombia | 1.884 BGN |
43 | Guyana | 1.923 BGN |
44 | Ghana | 1.927 BGN |
45 | El Salvador | 1.938 BGN |
46 | Bangladesh | 1.940 BGN |
47 | DR Congo | 1.953 BGN |
48 | Sudan | 1.963 BGN |
49 | Honduras | 1.977 BGN |
50 | Botswana | 1.999 BGN |
51 | Tanzania | 2.028 BGN |
52 | Togo | 2.028 BGN |
53 | Guatemala | 2.037 BGN |
54 | Lesotho | 2.048 BGN |
55 | Philippines | 2.057 BGN |
56 | Benin | 2.072 BGN |
57 | Mali | 2.087 BGN |
58 | Brazil | 2.090 BGN |
59 | Swaziland | 2.093 BGN |
60 | Namibia | 2.100 BGN |
61 | Georgia | 2.102 BGN |
62 | Haiti | 2.117 BGN |
63 | Trinidad&Tobago | 2.140 BGN |
64 | Peru | 2.143 BGN |
65 | Argentina | 2.144 BGN |
66 | Cambodia | 2.145 BGN |
67 | China | 2.146 BGN |
68 | Grenada | 2.148 BGN |
69 | Mongolia | 2.155 BGN |
70 | Rwanda | 2.172 BGN |
71 | India | 2.176 BGN |
72 | Madagascar | 2.199 BGN |
73 | South Africa | 2.240 BGN |
74 | Nepal | 2.247 BGN |
75 | South Korea | 2.251 BGN |
76 | Japan | 2.272 BGN |
77 | Jamaica | 2.280 BGN |
78 | Suriname | 2.297 BGN |
79 | Dominican Republic | 2.306 BGN |
80 | Zambia | 2.335 BGN |
81 | Sri Lanka | 2.344 BGN |
82 | Mexico | 2.361 BGN |
83 | Australia | 2.377 BGN |
84 | Turkey | 2.392 BGN |
85 | Canada | 2.400 BGN |
86 | Cape Verde | 2.429 BGN |
87 | Sierra Leone | 2.438 BGN |
88 | Moldova | 2.466 BGN |
89 | Mauritius | 2.469 BGN |
90 | Bosnia & Herz. | 2.482 BGN |
91 | Costa Rica | 2.483 BGN |
92 | Armenia | 2.487 BGN |
93 | Dominica | 2.487 BGN |
94 | Nicaragua | 2.491 BGN |
95 | Thailand | 2.505 BGN |
96 | Aruba | 2.511 BGN |
97 | Saint Lucia | 2.515 BGN |
98 | Northern Macedonia | 2.526 BGN |
99 | Mozambique | 2.527 BGN |
100 | Burundi | 2.527 BGN |
101 | Burkina Faso | 2.535 BGN |
102 | Morocco | 2.538 BGN |
103 | Kenya | 2.544 BGN |
104 | Uganda | 2.559 BGN |
105 | Chile | 2.562 BGN |
106 | Bulgaria | 2.572 BGN |
107 | Laos | 2.573 BGN |
108 | Guinea | 2.596 BGN |
109 | Ivory Coast | 2.609 BGN |
110 | Malta | 2.621 BGN |
111 | Ukraine | 2.636 BGN |
112 | Seychelles | 2.681 BGN |
113 | Cayman Islands | 2.717 BGN |
114 | Bahamas | 2.730 BGN |
115 | Malawi | 2.732 BGN |
116 | Andorra | 2.744 BGN |
117 | Cyprus | 2.805 BGN |
118 | Czech Republic | 2.872 BGN |
119 | Lithuania | 2.904 BGN |
120 | Jordan | 2.930 BGN |
121 | Poland | 2.950 BGN |
122 | Senegal | 2.952 BGN |
123 | Burma | 2.957 BGN |
124 | Romania | 2.961 BGN |
125 | Sweden | 2.982 BGN |
126 | Slovenia | 2.988 BGN |
127 | Luxembourg | 3.047 BGN |
128 | Spain | 3.055 BGN |
129 | Hungary | 3.074 BGN |
130 | Austria | 3.084 BGN |
131 | Croatia | 3.100 BGN |
132 | Serbia | 3.105 BGN |
133 | Slovakia | 3.108 BGN |
134 | Latvia | 3.172 BGN |
135 | Belgium | 3.186 BGN |
136 | Estonia | 3.215 BGN |
137 | Belize | 3.275 BGN |
138 | United Kingdom | 3.280 BGN |
139 | Central African Rep. | 3.280 BGN |
140 | Finland | 3.331 BGN |
141 | New Zealand | 3.379 BGN |
142 | Uruguay | 3.401 BGN |
143 | Albania | 3.417 BGN |
144 | Germany | 3.430 BGN |
145 | France | 3.448 BGN |
146 | Portugal | 3.466 BGN |
147 | Mayotte | 3.540 BGN |
148 | Ireland | 3.540 BGN |
149 | Italy | 3.575 BGN |
150 | Greece | 3.589 BGN |
151 | Barbados | 3.632 BGN |
152 | Switzerland | 3.666 BGN |
153 | Norway | 3.677 BGN |
154 | Liechtenstein | 3.687 BGN |
155 | Monaco | 3.755 BGN |
156 | Netherlands | 3.845 BGN |
157 | Singapore | 3.883 BGN |
158 | Denmark | 4.001 BGN |
159 | Iceland | 4.204 BGN |
160 | Yemen | 4.836 BGN |
161 | Hong Kong | 6.366 BGN |
162 | Cuba | 11.344 BGN |
Here, you can find a comparison of worldwide gasoline (or petrol) price in Bulgarian Lev. As per our calculation, the global average of petrol price is 2.4 BGN approximately, while 2.572 BGN is the current petrol price in Bulgaria.
The fuel price collection data (i.e., Gasoline price in Bulgaria, etc.) is listed below in the table.
The currency information (i.e., BGN) was last updated on 2025-02-19 02:05:00 (GMT Time). Some countries of the world are missing in the above list.
We provide all information on this website subject to our privacy policy, disclaimer, etc.
Fuel Type | Date Updated |
Gasoline (Petrol): | 2025-02-10 |
Diesel : | 2025-02-10 |