Country: | |
Display: |
# | Country | 1 Liter Price |
95 | Bulgaria | 2.489 BGN |
96 | Dominica | 2.490 BGN |
97 | Nicaragua | 2.505 BGN |
98 | Saint Lucia | 2.518 BGN |
99 | Armenia | 2.526 BGN |
100 | Thailand | 2.527 BGN |
101 | Mozambique | 2.533 BGN |
102 | Burkina Faso | 2.534 BGN |
103 | Burundi | 2.546 BGN |
104 | Costa Rica | 2.555 BGN |
105 | Ukraine | 2.559 BGN |
106 | Laos | 2.561 BGN |
107 | Uganda | 2.565 BGN |
108 | Kenya | 2.601 BGN |
109 | Ivory Coast | 2.608 BGN |
110 | Guinea | 2.614 BGN |
111 | Malta | 2.620 BGN |
112 | Bahamas | 2.639 BGN |
113 | Andorra | 2.681 BGN |
114 | Lithuania | 2.704 BGN |
115 | Cyprus | 2.722 BGN |
116 | Malawi | 2.746 BGN |
117 | Romania | 2.751 BGN |
118 | Cayman Islands | 2.753 BGN |
119 | Seychelles | 2.761 BGN |
120 | Czech Republic | 2.779 BGN |
121 | Poland | 2.829 BGN |
122 | Slovenia | 2.880 BGN |
123 | Luxembourg | 2.911 BGN |
124 | Burma | 2.916 BGN |
125 | Jordan | 2.920 BGN |
126 | Hungary | 2.923 BGN |
127 | Spain | 2.943 BGN |
128 | Senegal | 2.951 BGN |
129 | Austria | 2.958 BGN |
130 | Sweden | 2.972 BGN |
131 | Slovakia | 2.974 BGN |
132 | Croatia | 2.987 BGN |
133 | Serbia | 2.991 BGN |
134 | Latvia | 3.042 BGN |
135 | Belgium | 3.097 BGN |
136 | Estonia | 3.130 BGN |
137 | Uruguay | 3.166 BGN |
138 | United Kingdom | 3.213 BGN |
139 | Germany | 3.248 BGN |
140 | Finland | 3.259 BGN |
141 | Central African Rep. | 3.279 BGN |
142 | Portugal | 3.328 BGN |
143 | France | 3.347 BGN |
144 | New Zealand | 3.361 BGN |
145 | Belize | 3.399 BGN |
146 | Mayotte | 3.402 BGN |
147 | Italy | 3.435 BGN |
148 | Ireland | 3.435 BGN |
149 | Albania | 3.437 BGN |
150 | Norway | 3.482 BGN |
151 | Greece | 3.486 BGN |
152 | Barbados | 3.637 BGN |
153 | Switzerland | 3.653 BGN |
154 | Liechtenstein | 3.733 BGN |
155 | Singapore | 3.790 BGN |
156 | Denmark | 3.816 BGN |
157 | Netherlands | 3.832 BGN |
158 | Iceland | 4.085 BGN |
159 | Monaco | 4.164 BGN |
160 | Yemen | 4.802 BGN |
161 | Hong Kong | 6.206 BGN |
162 | Cuba | 11.356 BGN |
Here, you can find a fresh list of those countries where the gasoline (or petrol) price is expensive than Bulgaria.
The fuel price collection data (i.e., Gasoline price in Bulgaria, etc.) is listed below in the table.
The currency information (i.e., BGN) was last updated on 2024-12-21 16:05:07 (GMT Time). Some countries of the world are missing in the above list.
We provide all information on this website subject to our privacy policy, disclaimer, etc.
Fuel Type | Date Updated |
Gasoline (Petrol): | 2024-12-16 |
Diesel : | 2024-12-16 |