Country: | |
Display: |
# | Country | 1 Liter Price |
1 | Venezuela | 0.001 SGD |
2 | Lebanon | 0.020 SGD |
3 | Libya | 0.041 SGD |
4 | Angola | 0.444 SGD |
5 | Egypt | 0.457 SGD |
6 | Algeria | 0.458 SGD |
7 | Kuwait | 0.460 SGD |
8 | Iran | 0.482 SGD |
9 | Turkmenistan | 0.580 SGD |
10 | Malaysia | 0.626 SGD |
11 | Kazakhstan | 0.640 SGD |
12 | Bahrain | 0.718 SGD |
13 | Bolivia | 0.736 SGD |
14 | Qatar | 0.783 SGD |
15 | Russia | 0.814 SGD |
16 | Oman | 0.839 SGD |
17 | Saudi Arabia | 0.840 SGD |
18 | Azerbaijan | 0.875 SGD |
19 | Iraq | 0.882 SGD |
20 | United Arab Emirates | 0.920 SGD |
21 | Nigeria | 0.954 SGD |
22 | Ecuador | 0.970 SGD |
23 | Bhutan | 0.983 SGD |
24 | Indonesia | 1.061 SGD |
25 | Tunisia | 1.069 SGD |
26 | Ethiopia | 1.078 SGD |
27 | Liberia | 1.089 SGD |
28 | Kyrgyzstan | 1.098 SGD |
29 | Chad | 1.108 SGD |
30 | Paraguay | 1.144 SGD |
31 | Vietnam | 1.162 SGD |
32 | Afghanistan | 1.183 SGD |
33 | USA | 1.221 SGD |
34 | Maldives | 1.228 SGD |
35 | Pakistan | 1.248 SGD |
36 | Panama | 1.262 SGD |
37 | Puerto Rico | 1.267 SGD |
38 | Gabon | 1.273 SGD |
39 | Taiwan | 1.279 SGD |
40 | Uzbekistan | 1.349 SGD |
41 | Colombia | 1.353 SGD |
42 | El Salvador | 1.382 SGD |
43 | Ghana | 1.389 SGD |
44 | Lesotho | 1.390 SGD |
45 | Bangladesh | 1.393 SGD |
46 | Guyana | 1.397 SGD |
47 | Sudan | 1.418 SGD |
48 | DR Congo | 1.424 SGD |
49 | Honduras | 1.432 SGD |
50 | Botswana | 1.435 SGD |
51 | Brazil | 1.453 SGD |
52 | Togo | 1.455 SGD |
53 | Guatemala | 1.469 SGD |
54 | Tanzania | 1.483 SGD |
55 | Benin | 1.487 SGD |
56 | Swaziland | 1.492 SGD |
57 | Namibia | 1.497 SGD |
58 | Mali | 1.498 SGD |
59 | Georgia | 1.505 SGD |
60 | Rwanda | 1.514 SGD |
61 | South Africa | 1.534 SGD |
62 | Haiti | 1.537 SGD |
63 | China | 1.550 SGD |
64 | Grenada | 1.551 SGD |
65 | Trinidad&Tobago | 1.553 SGD |
66 | Mongolia | 1.556 SGD |
67 | Philippines | 1.567 SGD |
68 | India | 1.568 SGD |
69 | Cambodia | 1.571 SGD |
70 | Peru | 1.579 SGD |
71 | South Korea | 1.611 SGD |
72 | Argentina | 1.624 SGD |
73 | Nepal | 1.628 SGD |
74 | Japan | 1.632 SGD |
75 | Madagascar | 1.650 SGD |
76 | Cape Verde | 1.672 SGD |
77 | Zambia | 1.675 SGD |
78 | Sri Lanka | 1.683 SGD |
79 | Jamaica | 1.684 SGD |
80 | Dominican Republic | 1.685 SGD |
81 | Canada | 1.686 SGD |
82 | Mexico | 1.686 SGD |
83 | Suriname | 1.686 SGD |
84 | Australia | 1.691 SGD |
85 | Turkey | 1.741 SGD |
86 | Aruba | 1.754 SGD |
87 | Chile | 1.757 SGD |
88 | Sierra Leone | 1.761 SGD |
89 | Mauritius | 1.773 SGD |
90 | Bosnia & Herz. | 1.779 SGD |
91 | Moldova | 1.793 SGD |
92 | Costa Rica | 1.796 SGD |
93 | Dominica | 1.796 SGD |
94 | Armenia | 1.803 SGD |
95 | Nicaragua | 1.809 SGD |
96 | Syria | 1.810 SGD |
97 | Saint Lucia | 1.816 SGD |
98 | Thailand | 1.819 SGD |
99 | Burkina Faso | 1.819 SGD |
100 | Northern Macedonia | 1.824 SGD |
101 | Morocco | 1.824 SGD |
102 | Mozambique | 1.825 SGD |
103 | Kenya | 1.834 SGD |
104 | Burundi | 1.836 SGD |
105 | Bulgaria | 1.839 SGD |
106 | Uganda | 1.861 SGD |
107 | Ivory Coast | 1.872 SGD |
108 | Laos | 1.877 SGD |
109 | Malta | 1.880 SGD |
110 | Guinea | 1.887 SGD |
111 | Seychelles | 1.895 SGD |
112 | Ukraine | 1.909 SGD |
113 | Bahamas | 1.916 SGD |
114 | Cayman Islands | 1.973 SGD |
115 | Malawi | 1.983 SGD |
116 | Andorra | 1.984 SGD |
117 | Cyprus | 2.009 SGD |
118 | Czech Republic | 2.053 SGD |
119 | Sweden | 2.087 SGD |
120 | Jordan | 2.097 SGD |
121 | Romania | 2.105 SGD |
122 | Poland | 2.105 SGD |
123 | Lithuania | 2.111 SGD |
124 | Senegal | 2.118 SGD |
125 | Burma | 2.128 SGD |
126 | Luxembourg | 2.140 SGD |
127 | Slovenia | 2.165 SGD |
128 | Croatia | 2.185 SGD |
129 | Spain | 2.199 SGD |
130 | Hungary | 2.219 SGD |
131 | Austria | 2.230 SGD |
132 | Slovakia | 2.237 SGD |
133 | Serbia | 2.241 SGD |
134 | Belgium | 2.285 SGD |
135 | Latvia | 2.287 SGD |
136 | United Kingdom | 2.334 SGD |
137 | Estonia | 2.350 SGD |
138 | Central African Rep. | 2.353 SGD |
139 | Belize | 2.379 SGD |
140 | Finland | 2.412 SGD |
141 | New Zealand | 2.425 SGD |
142 | Germany | 2.437 SGD |
143 | Albania | 2.449 SGD |
144 | Mayotte | 2.456 SGD |
145 | Monaco | 2.456 SGD |
146 | France | 2.474 SGD |
147 | Uruguay | 2.474 SGD |
148 | Portugal | 2.484 SGD |
149 | Ireland | 2.503 SGD |
150 | Italy | 2.574 SGD |
151 | Greece | 2.590 SGD |
152 | Norway | 2.600 SGD |
153 | Barbados | 2.624 SGD |
154 | Switzerland | 2.631 SGD |
155 | Liechtenstein | 2.673 SGD |
156 | Netherlands | 2.742 SGD |
157 | Singapore | 2.784 SGD |
158 | Denmark | 2.870 SGD |
159 | Iceland | 3.013 SGD |
160 | Yemen | 3.479 SGD |
161 | Hong Kong | 4.608 SGD |
162 | Cuba | 8.193 SGD |
Here, you can find a comparison of worldwide gasoline (or petrol) price in Singapore Dollar. As per our calculation, the global average of petrol price is 1.7 SGD approximately, while 2.784 SGD is the current petrol price in Singapore.
The fuel price collection data (i.e., Gasoline price in Singapore, etc.) is listed below in the table.
The currency information (i.e., SGD) was last updated on 2025-02-05 06:05:00 (GMT Time). Some countries of the world are missing in the above list.
We provide all information on this website subject to our privacy policy, disclaimer, etc.
Fuel Type | Date Updated |
Gasoline (Petrol): | 2025-01-27 |
Diesel : | 2025-01-27 |