Country: | |
Display: |
# | Country | 1 Liter Price |
1 | Venezuela | 0.001 SGD |
2 | Lebanon | 0.020 SGD |
3 | Libya | 0.041 SGD |
4 | Angola | 0.438 SGD |
5 | Egypt | 0.448 SGD |
6 | Kuwait | 0.454 SGD |
7 | Algeria | 0.460 SGD |
8 | Iran | 0.475 SGD |
9 | Turkmenistan | 0.571 SGD |
10 | Malaysia | 0.616 SGD |
11 | Kazakhstan | 0.668 SGD |
12 | Bahrain | 0.707 SGD |
13 | Bolivia | 0.721 SGD |
14 | Nigeria | 0.731 SGD |
15 | Qatar | 0.768 SGD |
16 | Oman | 0.827 SGD |
17 | Saudi Arabia | 0.828 SGD |
18 | Azerbaijan | 0.862 SGD |
19 | Iraq | 0.865 SGD |
20 | Russia | 0.941 SGD |
21 | United Arab Emirates | 0.947 SGD |
22 | Ecuador | 0.974 SGD |
23 | Bhutan | 1.009 SGD |
24 | Ethiopia | 1.036 SGD |
25 | Tunisia | 1.091 SGD |
26 | Kyrgyzstan | 1.099 SGD |
27 | Indonesia | 1.100 SGD |
28 | Vietnam | 1.131 SGD |
29 | Chad | 1.147 SGD |
30 | Afghanistan | 1.157 SGD |
31 | Liberia | 1.158 SGD |
32 | Paraguay | 1.165 SGD |
33 | USA | 1.199 SGD |
34 | Maldives | 1.210 SGD |
35 | Pakistan | 1.220 SGD |
36 | Panama | 1.235 SGD |
37 | Taiwan | 1.242 SGD |
38 | Puerto Rico | 1.245 SGD |
39 | Syria | 1.261 SGD |
40 | Gabon | 1.317 SGD |
41 | Uzbekistan | 1.322 SGD |
42 | Colombia | 1.326 SGD |
43 | Ghana | 1.355 SGD |
44 | Guyana | 1.370 SGD |
45 | El Salvador | 1.379 SGD |
46 | Bangladesh | 1.382 SGD |
47 | DR Congo | 1.391 SGD |
48 | Sudan | 1.397 SGD |
49 | Honduras | 1.410 SGD |
50 | Botswana | 1.441 SGD |
51 | Guatemala | 1.455 SGD |
52 | Brazil | 1.459 SGD |
53 | Lesotho | 1.470 SGD |
54 | Swaziland | 1.503 SGD |
55 | Haiti | 1.503 SGD |
56 | Togo | 1.505 SGD |
57 | Tanzania | 1.510 SGD |
58 | China | 1.511 SGD |
59 | Peru | 1.511 SGD |
60 | Cambodia | 1.513 SGD |
61 | Georgia | 1.517 SGD |
62 | Philippines | 1.518 SGD |
63 | Trinidad&Tobago | 1.519 SGD |
64 | Rwanda | 1.533 SGD |
65 | Mongolia | 1.533 SGD |
66 | Benin | 1.539 SGD |
67 | India | 1.544 SGD |
68 | Namibia | 1.545 SGD |
69 | Mali | 1.550 SGD |
70 | Madagascar | 1.569 SGD |
71 | Turkey | 1.580 SGD |
72 | South Korea | 1.580 SGD |
73 | Jamaica | 1.588 SGD |
74 | Grenada | 1.598 SGD |
75 | South Africa | 1.601 SGD |
76 | Nepal | 1.605 SGD |
77 | Suriname | 1.621 SGD |
78 | Canada | 1.622 SGD |
79 | Zambia | 1.630 SGD |
80 | Dominican Republic | 1.631 SGD |
81 | Japan | 1.658 SGD |
82 | Sri Lanka | 1.674 SGD |
83 | Australia | 1.674 SGD |
84 | Mexico | 1.677 SGD |
85 | Argentina | 1.682 SGD |
86 | Sierra Leone | 1.735 SGD |
87 | Dominica | 1.770 SGD |
88 | Nicaragua | 1.773 SGD |
89 | Thailand | 1.774 SGD |
90 | Costa Rica | 1.780 SGD |
91 | Armenia | 1.785 SGD |
92 | Aruba | 1.787 SGD |
93 | Mozambique | 1.789 SGD |
94 | Saint Lucia | 1.790 SGD |
95 | Kenya | 1.799 SGD |
96 | Burundi | 1.799 SGD |
97 | Moldova | 1.806 SGD |
98 | Mauritius | 1.809 SGD |
99 | Uganda | 1.830 SGD |
100 | Northern Macedonia | 1.830 SGD |
101 | Laos | 1.837 SGD |
102 | Chile | 1.840 SGD |
103 | Guinea | 1.850 SGD |
104 | Bosnia & Herz. | 1.850 SGD |
105 | Bulgaria | 1.859 SGD |
106 | Morocco | 1.862 SGD |
107 | Cape Verde | 1.881 SGD |
108 | Burkina Faso | 1.882 SGD |
109 | Ukraine | 1.885 SGD |
110 | Seychelles | 1.921 SGD |
111 | Cayman Islands | 1.932 SGD |
112 | Ivory Coast | 1.937 SGD |
113 | Malawi | 1.945 SGD |
114 | Malta | 1.946 SGD |
115 | Bahamas | 1.956 SGD |
116 | Andorra | 2.007 SGD |
117 | Cyprus | 2.081 SGD |
118 | Jordan | 2.085 SGD |
119 | Czech Republic | 2.119 SGD |
120 | Poland | 2.136 SGD |
121 | Burma | 2.138 SGD |
122 | Romania | 2.173 SGD |
123 | Sweden | 2.176 SGD |
124 | Lithuania | 2.184 SGD |
125 | Senegal | 2.192 SGD |
126 | Luxembourg | 2.193 SGD |
127 | Slovenia | 2.223 SGD |
128 | Austria | 2.226 SGD |
129 | Spain | 2.242 SGD |
130 | Hungary | 2.255 SGD |
131 | Croatia | 2.277 SGD |
132 | Serbia | 2.282 SGD |
133 | Slovakia | 2.304 SGD |
134 | Latvia | 2.309 SGD |
135 | Belgium | 2.320 SGD |
136 | Belize | 2.333 SGD |
137 | Estonia | 2.368 SGD |
138 | United Kingdom | 2.404 SGD |
139 | New Zealand | 2.408 SGD |
140 | Central African Rep. | 2.435 SGD |
141 | Uruguay | 2.476 SGD |
142 | Germany | 2.506 SGD |
143 | Finland | 2.509 SGD |
144 | Monaco | 2.512 SGD |
145 | France | 2.526 SGD |
146 | Albania | 2.528 SGD |
147 | Portugal | 2.558 SGD |
148 | Barbados | 2.592 SGD |
149 | Mayotte | 2.614 SGD |
150 | Ireland | 2.621 SGD |
151 | Norway | 2.637 SGD |
152 | Switzerland | 2.641 SGD |
153 | Greece | 2.646 SGD |
154 | Italy | 2.648 SGD |
155 | Liechtenstein | 2.729 SGD |
156 | Singapore | 2.784 SGD |
Here, you can find a fresh list of those countries where the gasoline (or petrol) price is cheaper than Singapore.
The fuel price collection data (i.e., Gasoline price in Singapore, etc.) is listed below in the table.
The currency information (i.e., SGD) was last updated on 2025-03-12 04:05:00 (GMT Time). Some countries of the world are missing in the above list.
We provide all information on this website subject to our privacy policy, disclaimer, etc.
Fuel Type | Date Updated |
Gasoline (Petrol): | 2025-03-03 |
Diesel : | 2025-03-03 |