Country: | |
Display: |
# | Country | 1 Liter Price |
115 | Seychelles | 21.380 SCR |
116 | Cayman Islands | 21.435 SCR |
117 | Cyprus | 21.548 SCR |
118 | Romania | 21.629 SCR |
119 | Czech Republic | 21.832 SCR |
120 | Poland | 21.909 SCR |
121 | Slovenia | 22.519 SCR |
122 | Jordan | 22.694 SCR |
123 | Hungary | 22.904 SCR |
124 | Burma | 22.986 SCR |
125 | Latvia | 23.005 SCR |
126 | Luxembourg | 23.005 SCR |
127 | Austria | 23.052 SCR |
128 | Sweden | 23.077 SCR |
129 | Spain | 23.099 SCR |
130 | Slovakia | 23.146 SCR |
131 | Croatia | 23.554 SCR |
132 | Serbia | 23.604 SCR |
133 | Senegal | 23.670 SCR |
134 | Belgium | 24.087 SCR |
135 | Estonia | 24.572 SCR |
136 | United Kingdom | 25.170 SCR |
137 | Germany | 25.575 SCR |
138 | Uruguay | 25.731 SCR |
139 | Belize | 25.803 SCR |
140 | Portugal | 25.998 SCR |
141 | Central African Rep. | 26.300 SCR |
142 | France | 26.343 SCR |
143 | Mayotte | 26.641 SCR |
144 | Ireland | 26.860 SCR |
145 | Italy | 27.268 SCR |
146 | Greece | 27.440 SCR |
147 | Norway | 27.544 SCR |
148 | New Zealand | 27.903 SCR |
149 | Albania | 28.126 SCR |
150 | Finland | 29.133 SCR |
151 | Switzerland | 29.147 SCR |
152 | Netherlands | 29.383 SCR |
153 | Denmark | 29.571 SCR |
154 | Singapore | 29.900 SCR |
155 | Liechtenstein | 30.146 SCR |
156 | Barbados | 30.156 SCR |
157 | Iceland | 32.288 SCR |
158 | Monaco | 33.380 SCR |
159 | Yemen | 36.544 SCR |
160 | Hong Kong | 46.904 SCR |
161 | Syria | 70.262 SCR |
162 | Cuba | 86.585 SCR |
Here, you can find a fresh list of those countries where the gasoline (or petrol) price is expensive than Seychelles.
The fuel price collection data (i.e., Gasoline price in Seychelles, etc.) is listed below in the table.
The currency information (i.e., SCR) was last updated on 2024-10-06 19:05:02 (GMT Time). Some countries of the world are missing in the above list.
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Fuel Type | Date Updated |
Gasoline (Petrol): | 2024-09-30 |
Diesel : | 2024-09-30 |