
Countries where the Petrol Price is Cheaper than Seychelles

# Country 1 Liter Price
1 Venezuela 0.015 SCR
2 Lebanon 0.220 SCR
3 Libya 0.446 SCR
4 Angola 4.800 SCR
5 Egypt 4.936 SCR
6 Kuwait 4.978 SCR
7 Algeria 4.979 SCR
8 Iran 5.209 SCR
9 Turkmenistan 6.264 SCR
10 Malaysia 6.753 SCR
11 Kazakhstan 6.861 SCR
12 Bahrain 7.756 SCR
13 Bolivia 7.909 SCR
14 Qatar 8.408 SCR
15 Russia 8.962 SCR
16 Oman 9.075 SCR
17 Saudi Arabia 9.078 SCR
18 Azerbaijan 9.457 SCR
19 Iraq 9.482 SCR
20 United Arab Emirates 9.948 SCR
21 Ecuador 10.479 SCR
22 Bhutan 10.725 SCR
23 Nigeria 11.135 SCR
24 Indonesia 11.541 SCR
25 Ethiopia 11.592 SCR
26 Tunisia 11.605 SCR
27 Liberia 11.770 SCR
28 Chad 12.048 SCR
29 Kyrgyzstan 12.058 SCR
30 Paraguay 12.249 SCR
31 Afghanistan 12.250 SCR
32 Vietnam 12.466 SCR
33 USA 13.110 SCR
34 Maldives 13.264 SCR
35 Panama 13.315 SCR
36 Pakistan 13.422 SCR
37 Taiwan 13.715 SCR
38 Puerto Rico 13.797 SCR
39 Gabon 13.838 SCR
40 Colombia 14.038 SCR
41 El Salvador 14.469 SCR
42 Uzbekistan 14.530 SCR
43 Brazil 14.975 SCR
44 Bangladesh 14.979 SCR
45 Guyana 15.024 SCR
46 Honduras 15.107 SCR
47 Lesotho 15.186 SCR
48 Ghana 15.231 SCR
49 Guatemala 15.253 SCR
50 DR Congo 15.317 SCR
51 Sudan 15.321 SCR
52 Botswana 15.578 SCR
53 Togo 15.815 SCR
54 Georgia 15.902 SCR
55 Namibia 16.016 SCR
56 Benin 16.164 SCR
57 Philippines 16.214 SCR
58 China 16.263 SCR
59 Tanzania 16.280 SCR
60 Mali 16.280 SCR
61 Swaziland 16.306 SCR
62 Cambodia 16.311 SCR
63 Rwanda 16.394 SCR
64 Argentina 16.418 SCR
65 Haiti 16.555 SCR
66 Trinidad&Tobago 16.671 SCR
67 South Africa 16.780 SCR
68 Peru 16.803 SCR
69 Mongolia 16.818 SCR
70 Japan 16.934 SCR
71 India 17.100 SCR
72 South Korea 17.201 SCR
73 Nepal 17.219 SCR
74 Grenada 17.576 SCR
75 Suriname 17.661 SCR
76 Jamaica 17.873 SCR
77 Cape Verde 18.129 SCR
78 Canada 18.154 SCR
79 Mexico 18.171 SCR
80 Zambia 18.175 SCR
81 Dominican Republic 18.251 SCR
82 Sri Lanka 18.331 SCR
83 Australia 18.376 SCR
84 Madagascar 18.393 SCR
85 Turkey 18.579 SCR
86 Chile 18.645 SCR
87 Moldova 18.899 SCR
88 Aruba 18.960 SCR
89 Bosnia & Herz. 18.980 SCR
90 Sierra Leone 19.028 SCR
91 Uganda 19.060 SCR
92 Mauritius 19.244 SCR
93 Armenia 19.303 SCR
94 Morocco 19.331 SCR
95 Dominica 19.415 SCR
96 Costa Rica 19.438 SCR
97 Nicaragua 19.449 SCR
98 Syria 19.559 SCR
99 Saint Lucia 19.631 SCR
100 Bulgaria 19.642 SCR
101 Northern Macedonia 19.706 SCR
102 Thailand 19.724 SCR
103 Mozambique 19.727 SCR
104 Kenya 19.727 SCR
105 Burundi 19.754 SCR
106 Burkina Faso 19.769 SCR
107 Laos 19.950 SCR
108 Seychelles 20.150 SCR
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About Countries where the Petrol Price is cheaper than Seychelles

Here, you can find a fresh list of those countries where the gasoline (or petrol) price is cheaper than Seychelles. The fuel price collection data (i.e., Gasoline price in Seychelles, etc.) is listed below in the table. The currency information (i.e., SCR) was last updated on 2025-01-22 13:05:00 (GMT Time). Some countries of the world are missing in the above list.
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Fuel Type Date Updated
Gasoline (Petrol): 2025-01-20
Diesel : 2025-01-20