Country: | |
Display: |
# | Country | 1 Liter Price |
119 | Romania | 7.071 RON |
120 | Poland | 7.078 RON |
121 | Jordan | 7.213 RON |
122 | Slovenia | 7.291 RON |
123 | Austria | 7.366 RON |
124 | Hungary | 7.377 RON |
125 | Luxembourg | 7.386 RON |
126 | Sweden | 7.410 RON |
127 | Burma | 7.432 RON |
128 | Spain | 7.445 RON |
129 | Senegal | 7.509 RON |
130 | Latvia | 7.530 RON |
131 | Slovakia | 7.540 RON |
132 | Serbia | 7.656 RON |
133 | Croatia | 7.659 RON |
134 | Estonia | 7.764 RON |
135 | Belgium | 7.823 RON |
136 | United Kingdom | 8.041 RON |
137 | Germany | 8.167 RON |
138 | Uruguay | 8.277 RON |
139 | Belize | 8.303 RON |
140 | Central African Rep. | 8.344 RON |
141 | Mayotte | 8.455 RON |
142 | Finland | 8.470 RON |
143 | France | 8.485 RON |
144 | Ireland | 8.510 RON |
145 | Portugal | 8.520 RON |
146 | Albania | 8.749 RON |
147 | Italy | 8.773 RON |
148 | New Zealand | 8.798 RON |
149 | Greece | 8.838 RON |
150 | Norway | 8.982 RON |
151 | Liechtenstein | 9.187 RON |
152 | Switzerland | 9.256 RON |
153 | Denmark | 9.446 RON |
154 | Singapore | 9.566 RON |
155 | Netherlands | 9.579 RON |
156 | Barbados | 9.725 RON |
157 | Iceland | 10.166 RON |
158 | Monaco | 10.594 RON |
159 | Yemen | 11.806 RON |
160 | Hong Kong | 15.266 RON |
161 | Syria | 22.659 RON |
162 | Cuba | 27.922 RON |
Here, you can find a fresh list of those countries where the gasoline (or petrol) price is expensive than Romania.
The fuel price collection data (i.e., Gasoline price in Romania, etc.) is listed below in the table.
The currency information (i.e., RON) was last updated on 2024-11-08 00:05:01 (GMT Time). Some countries of the world are missing in the above list.
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Fuel Type | Date Updated |
Gasoline (Petrol): | 2024-11-04 |
Diesel : | 2024-11-04 |