Country: | |
Display: |
# | Country | 1 Liter Price |
125 | Hungary | 619.000 HUF |
126 | Spain | 623.023 HUF |
127 | Senegal | 624.780 HUF |
128 | Austria | 626.335 HUF |
129 | Sweden | 628.922 HUF |
130 | Slovakia | 629.646 HUF |
131 | Croatia | 632.544 HUF |
132 | Serbia | 633.716 HUF |
133 | Latvia | 644.135 HUF |
134 | Belgium | 655.726 HUF |
135 | Estonia | 662.764 HUF |
136 | Uruguay | 665.642 HUF |
137 | United Kingdom | 680.627 HUF |
138 | Germany | 687.602 HUF |
139 | Finland | 690.086 HUF |
140 | Central African Rep. | 694.200 HUF |
141 | Portugal | 704.575 HUF |
142 | France | 708.714 HUF |
143 | New Zealand | 711.694 HUF |
144 | Belize | 719.687 HUF |
145 | Mayotte | 720.305 HUF |
146 | Italy | 727.343 HUF |
147 | Ireland | 727.343 HUF |
148 | Albania | 727.755 HUF |
149 | Norway | 737.418 HUF |
150 | Greece | 738.106 HUF |
151 | Barbados | 770.064 HUF |
152 | Switzerland | 773.555 HUF |
153 | Liechtenstein | 790.430 HUF |
154 | Singapore | 802.606 HUF |
155 | Denmark | 807.967 HUF |
156 | Netherlands | 811.378 HUF |
157 | Iceland | 864.954 HUF |
158 | Monaco | 881.753 HUF |
159 | Yemen | 1016.889 HUF |
160 | Hong Kong | 1314.122 HUF |
161 | Syria | 1951.421 HUF |
162 | Cuba | 2404.763 HUF |
Here, you can find a fresh list of those countries where the gasoline (or petrol) price is expensive than Hungary.
The fuel price collection data (i.e., Gasoline price in Hungary, etc.) is listed below in the table.
The currency information (i.e., HUF) was last updated on 2024-12-21 12:05:07 (GMT Time). Some countries of the world are missing in the above list.
We provide all information on this website subject to our privacy policy, disclaimer, etc.
Fuel Type | Date Updated |
Gasoline (Petrol): | 2024-12-16 |
Diesel : | 2024-12-16 |