
Countries where the Petrol Price is Cheaper than Sudan

# Country 1 Liter Price
1 Venezuela 0.623 SDG
2 Lebanon 9.057 SDG
3 Libya 18.671 SDG
4 Angola 197.697 SDG
5 Egypt 201.587 SDG
6 Kuwait 204.759 SDG
7 Algeria 207.109 SDG
8 Iran 214.069 SDG
9 Turkmenistan 257.571 SDG
10 Malaysia 277.864 SDG
11 Kazakhstan 295.932 SDG
12 Bahrain 318.900 SDG
13 Bolivia 325.297 SDG
14 Nigeria 335.595 SDG
15 Qatar 346.259 SDG
16 Oman 373.083 SDG
17 Saudi Arabia 373.273 SDG
18 Azerbaijan 388.882 SDG
19 Iraq 389.948 SDG
20 Russia 408.222 SDG
21 United Arab Emirates 427.100 SDG
22 Ecuador 439.331 SDG
23 Bhutan 455.666 SDG
24 Tunisia 481.448 SDG
25 Ethiopia 487.691 SDG
26 Kyrgyzstan 495.481 SDG
27 Indonesia 500.278 SDG
28 Chad 512.106 SDG
29 Vietnam 514.240 SDG
30 Afghanistan 519.213 SDG
31 Liberia 522.182 SDG
32 Paraguay 526.766 SDG
33 USA 540.900 SDG
34 Maldives 545.583 SDG
35 Pakistan 550.136 SDG
36 Panama 557.127 SDG
37 Puerto Rico 561.334 SDG
38 Syria 568.551 SDG
39 Taiwan 570.301 SDG
40 Gabon 588.229 SDG
41 Uzbekistan 598.008 SDG
42 Colombia 607.593 SDG
43 Ghana 611.070 SDG
44 Guyana 617.597 SDG
45 El Salvador 622.035 SDG
46 Bangladesh 623.235 SDG
47 DR Congo 627.400 SDG
48 Sudan 630.000 SDG
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About Countries where the Petrol Price is cheaper than Sudan

Here, you can find a fresh list of those countries where the gasoline (or petrol) price is cheaper than Sudan. The fuel price collection data (i.e., Gasoline price in Sudan, etc.) is listed below in the table. The currency information (i.e., SDG) was last updated on 2025-03-07 02:05:00 (GMT Time). Some countries of the world are missing in the above list.
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Fuel Type Date Updated
Gasoline (Petrol): 2025-03-03
Diesel : 2025-03-03