
Gasoline Prices in Pakistan

Gasoline (Petrol) Price in PKR
1 Liter Price = 256.13 PKR
1 Gallon Price = 969.557 PKR
1 Barrel Price = 40721.34 PKR
1 USD = 277.582 PKR

01-APR-2024 01:40 AM PST: Petrol price has increased by 9.66 PKR per liter, while diesel price has decreased by 3.32 PKR per liter. Current WTI crude oil price is $83.06 USD per Brarrel. References

15-MAR-2024 11:26 AM PST: No change in petrol price, while diesel price has reduced by 1.77 PKR per liter. Current WTI crude oil price is $81.20 USD per Brarrel. References

1-MAR-2024 00:01 AM PST: Petrol price has been raised by 4.13 PKR per liter. Current WTI crude oil price is $78.50 USD per Brarrel. References

16-FEB-2024 01:57 AM PST: Both petrol and diesel price has been raised by 2.73 PKR and 8.37 PKR per liter. Current WTI crude oil price is $77.62 USD per Brarrel. References

01-FEB-2024 01:55 AM PST: both petrol and diesel price has been raised by 13.55 PKR and 2.75 PKR per liter. Today, WTI crude oil price is $75.88 USD. References

16-JAN-2024 01:55 AM PST: Petrol price has been reduced by 8 PKR/liter, while diesel price remains unchanged. Today, WTI crude oil price is $72.73 USD. References

01-JAN-2024 01:55 AM PST: No change in petrol and diesel pices. Today, WTI crude oil price is $71.3 USD. References

15-DEC-2023 11:10 PM PST: Both Petrol and Diesel pices have reduced by 14 and 13.5 PKR per liter due to reduction in the price of crude in the international market. Today, WTI crude oil price is $72 USD. References

16-NOV-2023 03:28 AM PST: Both Petrol and Diesel pices have reduced by 2.4 and 6.47 PKR per liter due to reduction in the price of crude oil price in the international market. Today, WTI crude oil price is $76.64 USD. References

01-NOV-2023 01:23 AM PST: Petrol and Diesel Prices Unchanged. WTI crude oil price is $81.5 USD.

16-OCT-2023 01:23 AM PST: Both Petrol and Diesel pices have reduced by 40 and 15 PKR per liter due strength in PKR rupees and reducing of crude oil price in the international market. Today, WTI crude oil price is $87.8 USD. References

30-SEP-2023 11:59 PM PST: Both Petrol and Diesel pices have reduced by 8 and 11 PKR per liter due strength in PKR rupees. Today, WTI crude oil price is $91 USD. References Discover How Oil Prices in Pakistan Stack Up Against the World—See the Shocking Numbers in Pakistani Rupees Now!

15-SEP-2023 11:59 PM PST: Both Petrol and Diesel pices have increased by 26.02 and 17.34 PKR per liter. One factor contributing to the increase in oil prices is a 10% surge in the cost of crude oil in the international market since August 31, 2023. On August 31, the price of crude oil was around $83 USD; today, it has risen to over $90.77 USD.

31-AUG-2023 09:48 PM PST: Both Petrol and Diesel pices have increased by 14.91 and 18.44 PKR per liter. Current crude oil price is 82.75 USD per Barrel. News Media

15-AUG-2023 11:59 PM PST: Both petrol and diesel prices have increased by 19.95 and 19.90 PKR per liter, respectively, with the current crude oil price at $81.19 USD per barrel. News Media

15-July-2023 11:59 PM PST: Both Petrol and Diesel pices have reduced by 9 and 7 PKR per liter. Current crude oil price is $75.22 USD per Barrel.

30-JUN-2023 11:59 PM PST:No change in petrol price, while diesel price is raised by 7.5 PKR per liter. Current crude oil price is $70.44 per Barrel.

15-JUN-2023 11:59 PM PST: No changes in the oil prices in Pakistan (Government Announcement). Current crude oil price is $70.80 USD per Barrel.

31-MAY-2023 11:30 PM PST: Diesel price is reduced by 5 PKR, and Petrol price is reduced by 8 PKR per liter. Current crude oil price is $68.2 USD per Barrel.

15-MAY-2023 11:59 PM PST: Diesel price is reduced by 30 PKR and Petrol price is reduced by 12 PKR per liter. Current crude oil price is $71.00 USD per Barrel.

30-APRIL-2023 11:59 PM PST: Diesel price is reduced by 5 PKR per liter, while the petrol price remain unchanged. Current crude oil price is $76.78 USD per Barrel.

15-APRIL-2023 11:59 PM PST: Petrol price is raised by 10 PKR per liter. Current crude oil price is $82.6 USD per Barrel.

31-MAR-2023 11:59 PM PST: The prices of petrol and diesel will remain unchange for the forthcoming two-week period, while the price of kerosene is reduced by PKR 10 per liter. Current crude oil price is $75.65 per Barrel. News Media

20-MAR-2023 11:59 PM PST: The Pakistani government is considering a subsidy of 100 Rupees on petrol for motorcycles, rickshaws, and vehicles below 800cc, but the policy has not been finalized and is still under development. News Media

15-MAR-2023 11:59 PM PST: Petrol price is raised by 5 PKR per liter while diesel price raised by 13 PKR. Current crude oil price is $68 USD per Barrel. Ishaq Daar

01-MAR-2023 11:52 PM PST: Petrol price is reduced by 5 PKR per liter while diesel price remain unchanged. Current crude oil price is $77.7 USD per Barrel. Ishaq Daar

29-JAN-2023 11:52 PM PST: Petrol and Diesel prices are raised by 35 PKR per liter due to depreciation of Pakistani Rupee. Current crude oil price is $79.36 USD per Barrel. Ishaq Daar

14-DEC-2022 11:24 PM PST: Petrol and Diesel prices are reduced by 10 PKR and 7 PKR per Liter. Current crude oil price is $77.2 USD per Barrel. Ishaq Daar

31-OCT-2022 9:54 PM PST: Petroleum/oil prices will remain unchanged. Minister of Finance

16-OCT-2022 12:00 AM PST: Petrol, etc. price/s remain unchanged.

01-OCT-2022 12:00 AM PST: Good news after Ishaq Daar took charge recently, the petroleum price are reduced by the government of Pakistan. New petrol price=224.8/Ltr. Current crude-oil price is $79.67 per barrel.

21-SEP-2022 12:00 AM PST: The petrol price slightly raised. Current petrol price=237.43/Ltr. Current crude-oil price is $83.5 per barrel.

01-SEP-2022 12:00 AM PST: In Pakistan, the petroleum prices are raised again (see the latest prices below). New petrol price=235.98/Ltr. Current crude-oil price is $88.77 per barrel.

16-AUG-2022 12:00 AM PST: The petroleum prices are raised instead reducing. While the oil price has dropped in the international market. New petrol price is Rs.233.91/Ltr. Current cude oil price is $88 per barrel.

31-JUL-2022 11:48 PM PST:Petrol price reduced by 3.05 PKR, while the Diesel price is raised by 8.95 PKR per Liter Miftah Ismail Tweet

14-JUL-2022 10:48 PM PST:Petrol price reduced by 18.5 PKR and Diesel 40.54 PKR per Liter Latest News

29-JUN-2022 11:04 PM PST: Today, Pakistan government raised the petroleum prices again. You can see the latest prices on this page. Today Crude Oil Price: $109.78 USD per Barrel. Petrol Per Liter Price = 248.75 PKR, Diesel=276.74 PKR per Liter. ARY News

16-JUN-2022 12:00 AM PST: Today, Pakistan government withdrew the subsidies on fuel prices due to rise in price of crude oil to $120 USD per Barrel in the international market. Petrol = 233.89 PKR, Diesel=263.31 PKR per Liter. Geo Tv

05-FEB-2025 11:00 AM PST:

In the international market, the crude oil price has dropped by 39% since 16-JUN-2022 (i.e., the date on which the government withdrew subsidy on petroleum. On 16 June 2022, the petrol price was=233.89/Ltr, and the crude oil price was = $120 USD per Barrel, while the current crude oil price is $72.8 USD per Barrel. OILPRICEZ.COM

Oil Price Calculator Worldwide petrol in Pakistani Rupee Countries of exepensive petrol oil Countries of cheaper petrol oil LPG, Electricity and Fuel Prices

1 Liter Gasoline (Petrol) in the World

Country Price in PKR
Venezuela 0.288 PKR
Lebanon 4.206 PKR
Libya 8.486 PKR
Angola 91.060 PKR
Egypt 93.840 PKR
Algeria 94.081 PKR
Kuwait 94.506 PKR
Iran 98.901 PKR
Turkmenistan 118.964 PKR
Malaysia 128.394 PKR
Kazakhstan 131.310 PKR
Bahrain 147.346 PKR
Bolivia 150.977 PKR
Qatar 160.680 PKR
Russia 167.128 PKR
Oman 172.319 PKR
Saudi Arabia 172.442 PKR
Azerbaijan 179.612 PKR
Iraq 181.005 PKR
United Arab Emirates 188.935 PKR
Nigeria 195.847 PKR
Ecuador 199.026 PKR
Bhutan 201.993 PKR
Indonesia 217.835 PKR
Tunisia 219.419 PKR
Ethiopia 221.204 PKR
Liberia 223.551 PKR
Kyrgyzstan 225.335 PKR
Chad 227.505 PKR
Paraguay 234.873 PKR
Vietnam 238.586 PKR
Afghanistan 242.847 PKR
USA 250.657 PKR
Maldives 251.987 PKR
Pakistan 256.130 PKR
Panama 258.984 PKR
Puerto Rico 260.094 PKR
Gabon 261.323 PKR
Taiwan 262.423 PKR
Uzbekistan 276.841 PKR
Colombia 277.699 PKR
El Salvador 283.689 PKR
Ghana 285.121 PKR
Lesotho 285.369 PKR
Bangladesh 285.934 PKR
Guyana 286.667 PKR
Sudan 290.976 PKR
DR Congo 292.193 PKR
Honduras 294.006 PKR
Botswana 294.594 PKR
Brazil 298.341 PKR
Togo 298.655 PKR
Guatemala 301.624 PKR
Tanzania 302.922 PKR
Benin 305.243 PKR
Swaziland 306.275 PKR
Namibia 307.223 PKR
Mali 307.439 PKR
Georgia 308.859 PKR
Rwanda 310.853 PKR
South Africa 314.885 PKR
Haiti 315.496 PKR
China 318.129 PKR
Grenada 318.405 PKR
Trinidad&Tobago 318.748 PKR
Mongolia 319.407 PKR
Philippines 321.406 PKR
India 321.946 PKR
Cambodia 322.558 PKR
Peru 324.047 PKR
South Korea 330.783 PKR
Argentina 333.310 PKR
Nepal 334.128 PKR
Japan 334.940 PKR
Madagascar 338.686 PKR
Cape Verde 343.139 PKR
Zambia 343.861 PKR
Sri Lanka 345.483 PKR
Jamaica 345.730 PKR
Dominican Republic 345.943 PKR
Suriname 346.019 PKR
Mexico 346.148 PKR
Canada 346.149 PKR
Australia 346.861 PKR
Turkey 357.242 PKR
Aruba 360.086 PKR
Chile 360.612 PKR
Sierra Leone 361.381 PKR
Bosnia & Herz. 362.179 PKR
Mauritius 363.769 PKR
Moldova 368.114 PKR
Dominica 368.733 PKR
Costa Rica 368.744 PKR
Armenia 370.058 PKR
Morocco 370.891 PKR
Nicaragua 371.244 PKR
Syria 371.476 PKR
Saint Lucia 372.841 PKR
Thailand 373.215 PKR
Burkina Faso 373.318 PKR
Northern Macedonia 374.561 PKR
Mozambique 374.671 PKR
Kenya 376.373 PKR
Burundi 376.963 PKR
Bulgaria 377.489 PKR
Uganda 382.010 PKR
Ivory Coast 384.298 PKR
Laos 385.229 PKR
Malta 385.921 PKR
Guinea 387.275 PKR
Seychelles 388.876 PKR
Ukraine 391.863 PKR
Bahamas 393.334 PKR
Cayman Islands 405.043 PKR
Malawi 407.003 PKR
Andorra 407.233 PKR
Cyprus 412.418 PKR
Czech Republic 421.597 PKR
Sweden 428.391 PKR
Jordan 430.420 PKR
Romania 432.090 PKR
Poland 432.190 PKR
Lithuania 433.154 PKR
Senegal 434.806 PKR
Burma 436.701 PKR
Luxembourg 439.202 PKR
Slovenia 444.386 PKR
Croatia 448.418 PKR
Spain 451.298 PKR
Hungary 455.658 PKR
Austria 457.634 PKR
Slovakia 459.074 PKR
Serbia 460.098 PKR
Belgium 468.866 PKR
Latvia 469.442 PKR
United Kingdom 479.030 PKR
Estonia 482.402 PKR
Central African Rep. 483.118 PKR
Belize 488.260 PKR
Finland 495.074 PKR
New Zealand 497.678 PKR
Germany 500.258 PKR
Albania 502.766 PKR
Mayotte 504.002 PKR
Monaco 504.002 PKR
Uruguay 507.868 PKR
Portugal 509.762 PKR
France 511.490 PKR
Ireland 513.794 PKR
Italy 528.194 PKR
Greece 531.650 PKR
Norway 533.824 PKR
Barbados 538.509 PKR
Switzerland 540.152 PKR
Liechtenstein 548.736 PKR
Netherlands 562.754 PKR
Singapore 571.209 PKR
Denmark 589.251 PKR
Iceland 618.605 PKR
Yemen 714.037 PKR
Hong Kong 945.769 PKR
Cuba 1681.662 PKR

1 Liter Gasoline in Pakistan

Currency Name 1 Liter Price
Afghan Afghani 68.555 AFN
Albanian lek 88.133 ALL
Algerian dinar 125.150 DZD
Angolan kwanza 843.826 AOA
Argentine peso 972.190 ARS
Armenian dram 366.832 AMD
Aruban guilder 1.661 AWG
Australian Dollar 1.477 AUD
Bahamian dollar 0.923 BSD
Bahraini dinar 0.348 BHD
Bangladeshi taka 111.971 BDT
Barbados dollar 1.845 BBD
Belize dollar 1.844 BZD
Boliviano 6.345 BOB
Botswana pula 12.824 BWP
Brazilian real 5.314 BRL
Bulgarian lev 1.738 BGN
Burundian franc 2717.827 BIF
CFA Franc BEAC 583.177 XAF
CFA franc 583.177 XOF
Cambodian riel 3692.369 KHR
Canadian dollar 1.323 CAD
Cape Verde escudo 98.081 CVE
Cayman Islands dollar 0.765 KYD
Chilean peso 903.101 CLP
Chinese RMB 6.721 CNY
Colombian peso 3815.138 COP
Congolese franc 2621.399 CDF
Convertible mark 1.740 BAM
Costa Rican colon 464.688 CRC
Cuban Peso 23.760 CUP
Czech koruna 22.363 CZK
Danish krone 6.632 DKK
Dominican peso 56.743 DOP
East Caribbean dollar 2.494 XCD
Egyptian pound 46.400 EGP
Ethipian birr 117.491 ETB
Euro 0.889 EUR
Georgian lari 2.621 GEL
Ghanaian Cedi 14.140 GHS
Guatemalan quetzal 7.097 GTQ
Guinean franc 7936.369 GNF
Guyanese dollar 192.097 GYD
Haitian gourde 120.103 HTG
Honduran lempira 23.391 HNL
Hong Kong dollar 7.187 HKD
Hungarian forint 361.999 HUF
Icelandic kr 130.509 ISK
Indian rupee 80.392 INR
Indonesian rupiah 15061.947 IDR
Iranian rial 38846.442 IRR
Iraqi dinar 1202.786 IQD
Jamaican dollar 144.627 JMD
Japanese yen 141.547 JPY
Jordanian dinar 0.655 JOD
Kazakhstani tenge 477.110 KZT
Kenyan shilling 119.261 KES
Kuwaiti dinar 0.285 KWD
Kyrgyzstani som 80.692 KGS
Lao kip 19972.898 LAK
Lebanese pound 82213.547 LBP
Lesotho loti 17.233 LSL
Liberian dollar 182.722 LRD
Libyan dinar 4.528 LYD
Macedonian denar 54.705 MKD
Malagasy ariayry 4310.608 MGA
Malawian kwacha 1592.149 MWK
Malaysian ringgit 4.089 MYR
Maldivian rufiyaa 14.210 MVR
Mauritian rupee 43.091 MUR
Mexican peso 18.913 MXN
Moldovan leu 17.249 MDL
Mongolian tugrik 3135.397 MNT
Moroccan dirham 9.254 MAD
Mozambican metical 58.962 MZN
Myanma kyat 1935.863 MMK
Namibian dollar 17.232 NAD
Nepalese rupee 128.016 NPR
New Taiwan dollar 30.354 TWD
New Zealand dollar 1.631 NZD
New azerbaijani Manat 1.569 AZN
Nicaraguan c 33.792 NIO
Nigerian naira 1549.530 NGN
Norwegian krone 10.378 NOK
Omani rial 0.355 OMR
Pakistani rupee 256.130 PKR
Panamanian balboa 0.923 PAB
Paraguayan guaran 7230.035 PYG
Peruvian nuevo sol 3.403 PEN
Philippine peso 53.600 PHP
Polish zloty 3.742 PLN
Pound 0.740 GBP
Qatari riyal 3.347 QAR
Romanian new Leu 4.424 RON
Russian ruble 92.918 RUB
Rwandan franc 1296.913 RWF
Saudi riyal 3.461 SAR
Serbian dinar 104.100 RSD
Seychelles rupee 13.219 SCR
Sierra Leonean leone 19348.942 SLL
Singapore dollar 1.248 SGD
South African rand 17.244 ZAR
South Korean won 1336.629 KRW
Sri Lankan rupee 275.048 LKR
Sudanese pound 554.554 SDG
Surinamese dollar 32.392 SRD
Swazi lilangeni 17.227 SZL
Swedish krona 10.128 SEK
Swiss franc 0.836 CHF
Syrian pound 11997.184 SYP
Tanzanian shilling 2361.567 TZS
Thai baht 31.123 THB
Trinidad dollar 6.228 TTD
Tunisian dinar 2.947 TND
Turkish lira 33.184 TRY
Turkmenistani new manat 3.230 TMT
UAE Dirham 3.389 AED
US Dollar 0.923 USD
Ugandan shilling 3379.223 UGX
Ukrainian hryvnia 38.322 UAH
Urugayan peso 39.610 UYU
Uzbekitan som 11922.981 UZS
Venezualan bolivar fuerte 4454120.557 VEF
Yemeni rial 229.572 YER
Zambian kwacha 25.824 ZMW

About Gasoline (Petrol) in Pakistan:

Today the Gasoline (Petrol) Price per Litre, Gallon and Barrel in Pakistan. The above first table shows some countries where Gasoline (Petrol) price is cheaper or expensive than Pakistan which is highlighted with different colors. In the second table, the Gasoline price of Pakistan is displayed in different currencies. The fuel price information (i.e., Gasoline, etc.) is listed below in the table. The currency information (i.e., Pakistani Rupee) was last updated on 2025-02-05 05:05:00 (GMT Time).
We provide all information on this website subject to our privacy policy, disclaimer, etc.

Energy Type Date Updated
Gasoline (Petrol): 2025-01-16
Diesel : 2025-01-16
Kerosene Oil: 2024-09-16