Country: | |
Display: |
# | Country | 1 Liter Price |
1 | Venezuela | 0.060 PHP |
2 | Lebanon | 0.880 PHP |
3 | Libya | 1.775 PHP |
4 | Angola | 19.043 PHP |
5 | Egypt | 19.616 PHP |
6 | Algeria | 19.675 PHP |
7 | Kuwait | 19.757 PHP |
8 | Iran | 20.683 PHP |
9 | Turkmenistan | 24.879 PHP |
10 | Malaysia | 26.860 PHP |
11 | Kazakhstan | 27.461 PHP |
12 | Bahrain | 30.814 PHP |
13 | Bolivia | 31.573 PHP |
14 | Qatar | 33.603 PHP |
15 | Russia | 34.951 PHP |
16 | Oman | 36.036 PHP |
17 | Saudi Arabia | 36.063 PHP |
18 | Azerbaijan | 37.562 PHP |
19 | Iraq | 37.853 PHP |
20 | United Arab Emirates | 39.511 PHP |
21 | Nigeria | 40.957 PHP |
22 | Ecuador | 41.622 PHP |
23 | Bhutan | 42.218 PHP |
24 | Indonesia | 45.539 PHP |
25 | Tunisia | 45.886 PHP |
26 | Ethiopia | 46.260 PHP |
27 | Liberia | 46.751 PHP |
28 | Kyrgyzstan | 47.124 PHP |
29 | Chad | 47.573 PHP |
30 | Paraguay | 49.118 PHP |
31 | Vietnam | 49.882 PHP |
32 | Afghanistan | 50.786 PHP |
33 | USA | 52.419 PHP |
34 | Maldives | 52.697 PHP |
35 | Pakistan | 53.564 PHP |
36 | Panama | 54.161 PHP |
37 | Puerto Rico | 54.393 PHP |
38 | Gabon | 54.645 PHP |
39 | Taiwan | 54.893 PHP |
40 | Uzbekistan | 57.895 PHP |
41 | Colombia | 58.066 PHP |
42 | El Salvador | 59.327 PHP |
43 | Ghana | 59.627 PHP |
44 | Lesotho | 59.678 PHP |
45 | Bangladesh | 59.797 PHP |
46 | Guyana | 59.950 PHP |
47 | Sudan | 60.851 PHP |
48 | DR Congo | 61.106 PHP |
49 | Honduras | 61.485 PHP |
50 | Botswana | 61.608 PHP |
51 | Brazil | 62.389 PHP |
52 | Togo | 62.452 PHP |
53 | Guatemala | 63.078 PHP |
54 | Tanzania | 63.675 PHP |
55 | Benin | 63.829 PHP |
56 | Swaziland | 64.050 PHP |
57 | Namibia | 64.249 PHP |
58 | Mali | 64.288 PHP |
59 | Georgia | 64.591 PHP |
60 | Rwanda | 65.008 PHP |
61 | South Africa | 65.852 PHP |
62 | Haiti | 65.979 PHP |
63 | China | 66.535 PHP |
64 | Grenada | 66.587 PHP |
65 | Trinidad&Tobago | 66.659 PHP |
66 | Mongolia | 66.797 PHP |
67 | Philippines | 67.260 PHP |
68 | India | 67.289 PHP |
69 | Cambodia | 67.456 PHP |
70 | Peru | 67.767 PHP |
71 | South Korea | 69.161 PHP |
72 | Argentina | 69.704 PHP |
73 | Nepal | 69.875 PHP |
74 | Japan | 70.049 PHP |
75 | Madagascar | 70.828 PHP |
76 | Cape Verde | 71.760 PHP |
77 | Zambia | 71.911 PHP |
78 | Sri Lanka | 72.250 PHP |
79 | Jamaica | 72.302 PHP |
80 | Dominican Republic | 72.346 PHP |
81 | Mexico | 72.361 PHP |
82 | Suriname | 72.362 PHP |
83 | Canada | 72.374 PHP |
84 | Australia | 72.579 PHP |
85 | Turkey | 74.726 PHP |
86 | Aruba | 75.304 PHP |
87 | Chile | 75.414 PHP |
88 | Sierra Leone | 75.575 PHP |
89 | Mauritius | 76.090 PHP |
90 | Bosnia & Herz. | 76.357 PHP |
91 | Moldova | 76.983 PHP |
92 | Dominica | 77.112 PHP |
93 | Costa Rica | 77.114 PHP |
94 | Armenia | 77.389 PHP |
95 | Nicaragua | 77.637 PHP |
96 | Syria | 77.686 PHP |
97 | Saint Lucia | 77.971 PHP |
98 | Burkina Faso | 78.064 PHP |
99 | Thailand | 78.095 PHP |
100 | Northern Macedonia | 78.310 PHP |
101 | Morocco | 78.316 PHP |
102 | Mozambique | 78.354 PHP |
103 | Kenya | 78.740 PHP |
104 | Burundi | 78.833 PHP |
105 | Bulgaria | 78.927 PHP |
106 | Uganda | 79.889 PHP |
107 | Ivory Coast | 80.361 PHP |
108 | Laos | 80.562 PHP |
109 | Malta | 80.718 PHP |
110 | Guinea | 80.990 PHP |
111 | Seychelles | 81.325 PHP |
112 | Ukraine | 81.949 PHP |
113 | Bahamas | 82.257 PHP |
114 | Cayman Islands | 84.705 PHP |
115 | Malawi | 85.115 PHP |
116 | Andorra | 85.175 PHP |
117 | Cyprus | 86.259 PHP |
118 | Czech Republic | 88.141 PHP |
119 | Sweden | 89.596 PHP |
120 | Jordan | 90.013 PHP |
121 | Romania | 90.345 PHP |
122 | Poland | 90.357 PHP |
123 | Lithuania | 90.596 PHP |
124 | Senegal | 90.922 PHP |
125 | Burma | 91.326 PHP |
126 | Luxembourg | 91.861 PHP |
127 | Slovenia | 92.946 PHP |
128 | Croatia | 93.789 PHP |
129 | Spain | 94.391 PHP |
130 | Hungary | 95.265 PHP |
131 | Austria | 95.717 PHP |
132 | Slovakia | 96.018 PHP |
133 | Serbia | 96.200 PHP |
134 | Belgium | 98.066 PHP |
135 | Latvia | 98.186 PHP |
136 | United Kingdom | 100.184 PHP |
137 | Estonia | 100.897 PHP |
138 | Central African Rep. | 101.025 PHP |
139 | Belize | 102.109 PHP |
140 | Finland | 103.547 PHP |
141 | New Zealand | 104.099 PHP |
142 | Germany | 104.632 PHP |
143 | Albania | 105.142 PHP |
144 | Mayotte | 105.415 PHP |
145 | Monaco | 105.415 PHP |
146 | France | 106.198 PHP |
147 | Uruguay | 106.209 PHP |
148 | Portugal | 106.620 PHP |
149 | Ireland | 107.463 PHP |
150 | Italy | 110.475 PHP |
151 | Greece | 111.198 PHP |
152 | Norway | 111.628 PHP |
153 | Barbados | 112.617 PHP |
154 | Switzerland | 112.936 PHP |
155 | Liechtenstein | 114.730 PHP |
156 | Netherlands | 117.703 PHP |
157 | Singapore | 119.507 PHP |
158 | Denmark | 123.218 PHP |
159 | Iceland | 129.358 PHP |
160 | Yemen | 149.325 PHP |
161 | Hong Kong | 197.785 PHP |
162 | Cuba | 351.682 PHP |
Here, you can find a comparison of worldwide gasoline (or petrol) price in Philippine Peso. As per our calculation, the global average of petrol price is 74.1 PHP approximately, while 67.26 PHP is the current petrol price in Philippines.
The fuel price collection data (i.e., Gasoline price in Philippines, etc.) is listed below in the table.
The currency information (i.e., PHP) was last updated on 2025-02-05 06:05:00 (GMT Time). Some countries of the world are missing in the above list.
We provide all information on this website subject to our privacy policy, disclaimer, etc.
Fuel Type | Date Updated |
Gasoline (Petrol): | 2025-02-03 |
Diesel : | 2025-02-03 |