Country: | |
Display: |
# | Country | 1 Liter Price |
1 | Venezuela | 0.061 PHP |
2 | Lebanon | 0.882 PHP |
3 | Libya | 1.784 PHP |
4 | Angola | 19.219 PHP |
5 | Egypt | 19.771 PHP |
6 | Kuwait | 19.930 PHP |
7 | Algeria | 19.935 PHP |
8 | Iran | 20.857 PHP |
9 | Turkmenistan | 25.080 PHP |
10 | Malaysia | 27.041 PHP |
11 | Kazakhstan | 27.473 PHP |
12 | Bahrain | 31.056 PHP |
13 | Bolivia | 31.669 PHP |
14 | Qatar | 33.666 PHP |
15 | Russia | 35.868 PHP |
16 | Oman | 36.337 PHP |
17 | Saudi Arabia | 36.352 PHP |
18 | Azerbaijan | 37.866 PHP |
19 | Iraq | 37.965 PHP |
20 | United Arab Emirates | 39.832 PHP |
21 | Ecuador | 41.959 PHP |
22 | Bhutan | 42.939 PHP |
23 | Nigeria | 44.556 PHP |
24 | Indonesia | 46.141 PHP |
25 | Ethiopia | 46.414 PHP |
26 | Tunisia | 46.466 PHP |
27 | Liberia | 47.127 PHP |
28 | Chad | 48.174 PHP |
29 | Kyrgyzstan | 48.282 PHP |
30 | Paraguay | 49.045 PHP |
31 | Afghanistan | 49.049 PHP |
32 | Vietnam | 49.913 PHP |
33 | USA | 52.493 PHP |
34 | Maldives | 53.107 PHP |
35 | Panama | 53.312 PHP |
36 | Pakistan | 53.743 PHP |
37 | Taiwan | 54.914 PHP |
38 | Puerto Rico | 55.243 PHP |
39 | Gabon | 55.335 PHP |
40 | Colombia | 56.378 PHP |
41 | El Salvador | 57.935 PHP |
42 | Uzbekistan | 58.178 PHP |
43 | Bangladesh | 59.974 PHP |
44 | Guyana | 60.157 PHP |
45 | Honduras | 60.490 PHP |
46 | Brazil | 60.600 PHP |
47 | Lesotho | 60.804 PHP |
48 | Ghana | 60.984 PHP |
49 | Guatemala | 61.071 PHP |
50 | DR Congo | 61.329 PHP |
51 | Sudan | 61.344 PHP |
52 | Botswana | 62.374 PHP |
53 | Togo | 63.240 PHP |
54 | Georgia | 63.672 PHP |
55 | Namibia | 64.129 PHP |
56 | Benin | 64.635 PHP |
57 | Philippines | 64.810 PHP |
58 | China | 64.860 PHP |
59 | Mali | 65.100 PHP |
60 | Tanzania | 65.184 PHP |
61 | Swaziland | 65.288 PHP |
62 | Cambodia | 65.310 PHP |
63 | Rwanda | 65.644 PHP |
64 | Argentina | 65.707 PHP |
65 | Haiti | 66.285 PHP |
66 | Trinidad&Tobago | 66.751 PHP |
67 | South Africa | 67.124 PHP |
68 | Peru | 67.279 PHP |
69 | Mongolia | 67.338 PHP |
70 | Japan | 67.694 PHP |
71 | India | 68.459 PHP |
72 | South Korea | 68.834 PHP |
73 | Nepal | 68.944 PHP |
74 | Grenada | 70.375 PHP |
75 | Suriname | 70.715 PHP |
76 | Jamaica | 71.565 PHP |
77 | Canada | 72.446 PHP |
78 | Cape Verde | 72.589 PHP |
79 | Mexico | 72.645 PHP |
80 | Zambia | 72.774 PHP |
81 | Dominican Republic | 73.078 PHP |
82 | Sri Lanka | 73.398 PHP |
83 | Australia | 73.407 PHP |
84 | Madagascar | 73.646 PHP |
85 | Turkey | 74.391 PHP |
86 | Chile | 74.829 PHP |
87 | Aruba | 75.914 PHP |
88 | Bosnia & Herz. | 75.996 PHP |
89 | Moldova | 76.087 PHP |
90 | Sierra Leone | 76.187 PHP |
91 | Uganda | 76.317 PHP |
92 | Mauritius | 77.103 PHP |
93 | Armenia | 77.289 PHP |
94 | Morocco | 77.401 PHP |
95 | Dominica | 77.737 PHP |
96 | Costa Rica | 77.831 PHP |
97 | Nicaragua | 77.875 PHP |
98 | Syria | 78.315 PHP |
99 | Bulgaria | 78.569 PHP |
100 | Saint Lucia | 78.603 PHP |
101 | Northern Macedonia | 78.814 PHP |
102 | Thailand | 78.885 PHP |
103 | Kenya | 78.986 PHP |
104 | Mozambique | 78.989 PHP |
105 | Burkina Faso | 79.050 PHP |
106 | Burundi | 79.096 PHP |
107 | Laos | 79.879 PHP |
108 | Guinea | 81.225 PHP |
109 | Ivory Coast | 81.375 PHP |
110 | Ukraine | 81.635 PHP |
111 | Malta | 81.709 PHP |
112 | Seychelles | 82.188 PHP |
113 | Bahamas | 82.631 PHP |
114 | Andorra | 84.514 PHP |
115 | Cayman Islands | 84.811 PHP |
116 | Cyprus | 85.002 PHP |
117 | Malawi | 85.369 PHP |
118 | Czech Republic | 86.848 PHP |
119 | Poland | 88.285 PHP |
120 | Sweden | 90.545 PHP |
121 | Lithuania | 90.551 PHP |
122 | Romania | 90.678 PHP |
123 | Burma | 90.706 PHP |
124 | Jordan | 90.755 PHP |
125 | Senegal | 92.070 PHP |
126 | Slovenia | 92.441 PHP |
127 | Croatia | 92.563 PHP |
128 | Hungary | 93.295 PHP |
129 | Luxembourg | 94.636 PHP |
130 | Slovakia | 95.185 PHP |
131 | Spain | 95.734 PHP |
132 | Serbia | 95.842 PHP |
133 | Latvia | 96.222 PHP |
134 | Austria | 97.380 PHP |
135 | Belgium | 97.441 PHP |
136 | United Kingdom | 98.868 PHP |
137 | Estonia | 101.039 PHP |
138 | Central African Rep. | 102.300 PHP |
139 | Belize | 102.413 PHP |
140 | Monaco | 103.051 PHP |
141 | Finland | 103.478 PHP |
142 | Uruguay | 105.010 PHP |
143 | New Zealand | 105.130 PHP |
144 | Germany | 105.795 PHP |
145 | Mayotte | 106.710 PHP |
146 | Portugal | 106.710 PHP |
147 | France | 107.075 PHP |
148 | Albania | 107.533 PHP |
149 | Ireland | 107.685 PHP |
150 | Italy | 110.185 PHP |
151 | Greece | 110.734 PHP |
152 | Norway | 113.490 PHP |
153 | Barbados | 113.530 PHP |
154 | Switzerland | 114.047 PHP |
155 | Liechtenstein | 115.466 PHP |
156 | Netherlands | 119.210 PHP |
157 | Singapore | 119.683 PHP |
158 | Denmark | 122.322 PHP |
159 | Iceland | 131.603 PHP |
160 | Yemen | 150.414 PHP |
161 | Hong Kong | 199.416 PHP |
162 | Cuba | 354.532 PHP |
Here, you can find a comparison of worldwide gasoline (or petrol) price in Philippine Peso. As per our calculation, the global average of petrol price is 74.3 PHP approximately, while 64.81 PHP is the current petrol price in Philippines.
The fuel price collection data (i.e., Gasoline price in Philippines, etc.) is listed below in the table.
The currency information (i.e., PHP) was last updated on 2025-01-22 15:05:00 (GMT Time). Some countries of the world are missing in the above list.
We provide all information on this website subject to our privacy policy, disclaimer, etc.
Fuel Type | Date Updated |
Gasoline (Petrol): | 2025-01-13 |
Diesel : | 2025-01-13 |