Country: | |
Display: |
# | Country | 1 Liter Price |
1 | Venezuela | 2.173 MMK |
2 | Lebanon | 31.760 MMK |
3 | Libya | 64.305 MMK |
4 | Angola | 685.621 MMK |
5 | Egypt | 700.938 MMK |
6 | Algeria | 715.059 MMK |
7 | Kuwait | 715.722 MMK |
8 | Iran | 744.852 MMK |
9 | Turkmenistan | 896.581 MMK |
10 | Malaysia | 954.059 MMK |
11 | Kazakhstan | 981.066 MMK |
12 | Bahrain | 1113.402 MMK |
13 | Bolivia | 1140.045 MMK |
14 | Qatar | 1213.418 MMK |
15 | Russia | 1220.743 MMK |
16 | Saudi Arabia | 1301.368 MMK |
17 | Oman | 1302.483 MMK |
18 | Azerbaijan | 1357.529 MMK |
19 | Iraq | 1366.787 MMK |
20 | United Arab Emirates | 1427.984 MMK |
21 | Ecuador | 1464.404 MMK |
22 | Bhutan | 1496.834 MMK |
23 | Ethiopia | 1534.322 MMK |
24 | Indonesia | 1594.456 MMK |
25 | Nigeria | 1608.697 MMK |
26 | Tunisia | 1669.162 MMK |
27 | Chad | 1728.002 MMK |
28 | Vietnam | 1734.733 MMK |
29 | Kyrgyzstan | 1755.568 MMK |
30 | Paraguay | 1784.366 MMK |
31 | Liberia | 1799.810 MMK |
32 | Afghanistan | 1830.375 MMK |
33 | Panama | 1846.240 MMK |
34 | USA | 1873.514 MMK |
35 | Pakistan | 1901.673 MMK |
36 | Maldives | 1904.548 MMK |
37 | Taiwan | 1928.841 MMK |
38 | Puerto Rico | 1949.042 MMK |
39 | Colombia | 1980.246 MMK |
40 | Gabon | 1984.867 MMK |
41 | Syria | 1993.116 MMK |
42 | El Salvador | 2043.452 MMK |
43 | Uzbekistan | 2096.325 MMK |
44 | Brazil | 2120.062 MMK |
45 | Guatemala | 2123.337 MMK |
46 | Honduras | 2130.115 MMK |
47 | Guyana | 2164.683 MMK |
48 | Lesotho | 2168.159 MMK |
49 | Benin | 2168.342 MMK |
50 | Sudan | 2197.406 MMK |
51 | Ghana | 2198.119 MMK |
52 | Bangladesh | 2203.402 MMK |
53 | DR Congo | 2214.173 MMK |
54 | Philippines | 2225.481 MMK |
55 | Botswana | 2247.928 MMK |
56 | Togo | 2268.419 MMK |
57 | China | 2299.450 MMK |
58 | Peru | 2306.270 MMK |
59 | Georgia | 2309.109 MMK |
60 | Namibia | 2316.898 MMK |
61 | Mali | 2335.138 MMK |
62 | Japan | 2356.218 MMK |
63 | Swaziland | 2357.522 MMK |
64 | Cambodia | 2358.768 MMK |
65 | Rwanda | 2378.439 MMK |
66 | South Korea | 2381.510 MMK |
67 | Haiti | 2382.000 MMK |
68 | Suriname | 2401.596 MMK |
69 | Trinidad&Tobago | 2405.267 MMK |
70 | Argentina | 2410.913 MMK |
71 | Mongolia | 2414.120 MMK |
72 | South Africa | 2414.312 MMK |
73 | Nepal | 2477.692 MMK |
74 | India | 2495.546 MMK |
75 | Canada | 2505.872 MMK |
76 | Grenada | 2546.277 MMK |
77 | Zambia | 2562.742 MMK |
78 | Tanzania | 2570.330 MMK |
79 | Turkey | 2570.808 MMK |
80 | Jamaica | 2581.126 MMK |
81 | Cape Verde | 2590.647 MMK |
82 | Moldova | 2617.680 MMK |
83 | Australia | 2622.920 MMK |
84 | Madagascar | 2634.057 MMK |
85 | Mexico | 2634.972 MMK |
86 | Dominican Republic | 2651.090 MMK |
87 | Sri Lanka | 2661.748 MMK |
88 | Chile | 2700.410 MMK |
89 | Bosnia & Herz. | 2708.485 MMK |
90 | Mauritius | 2720.288 MMK |
91 | Northern Macedonia | 2721.290 MMK |
92 | Aruba | 2723.903 MMK |
93 | Sierra Leone | 2731.367 MMK |
94 | Morocco | 2735.479 MMK |
95 | Bulgaria | 2785.695 MMK |
96 | Dominica | 2786.931 MMK |
97 | Nicaragua | 2803.731 MMK |
98 | Saint Lucia | 2817.983 MMK |
99 | Armenia | 2826.859 MMK |
100 | Thailand | 2827.989 MMK |
101 | Mozambique | 2834.913 MMK |
102 | Burkina Faso | 2835.524 MMK |
103 | Burundi | 2849.906 MMK |
104 | Costa Rica | 2859.868 MMK |
105 | Ukraine | 2863.865 MMK |
106 | Laos | 2865.919 MMK |
107 | Uganda | 2871.131 MMK |
108 | Kenya | 2910.742 MMK |
109 | Ivory Coast | 2918.922 MMK |
110 | Guinea | 2925.768 MMK |
111 | Malta | 2932.206 MMK |
112 | Bahamas | 2953.984 MMK |
113 | Andorra | 3000.041 MMK |
114 | Lithuania | 3026.299 MMK |
115 | Cyprus | 3045.993 MMK |
116 | Malawi | 3073.456 MMK |
117 | Romania | 3079.177 MMK |
118 | Cayman Islands | 3081.209 MMK |
119 | Seychelles | 3090.206 MMK |
120 | Czech Republic | 3110.561 MMK |
121 | Poland | 3166.520 MMK |
122 | Slovenia | 3223.239 MMK |
123 | Luxembourg | 3258.250 MMK |
124 | Burma | 3263.880 MMK |
125 | Jordan | 3268.420 MMK |
126 | Hungary | 3271.683 MMK |
127 | Spain | 3293.261 MMK |
128 | Senegal | 3302.552 MMK |
129 | Austria | 3310.767 MMK |
130 | Sweden | 3325.963 MMK |
131 | Slovakia | 3328.273 MMK |
132 | Croatia | 3343.590 MMK |
133 | Serbia | 3348.032 MMK |
134 | Latvia | 3404.860 MMK |
135 | Belgium | 3466.130 MMK |
136 | Estonia | 3503.330 MMK |
137 | Uruguay | 3543.876 MMK |
138 | United Kingdom | 3596.118 MMK |
139 | Germany | 3634.623 MMK |
140 | Finland | 3647.752 MMK |
141 | Central African Rep. | 3669.502 MMK |
142 | Portugal | 3724.339 MMK |
143 | France | 3746.221 MMK |
144 | New Zealand | 3761.613 MMK |
145 | Belize | 3803.859 MMK |
146 | Mayotte | 3807.491 MMK |
147 | Italy | 3844.691 MMK |
148 | Ireland | 3844.691 MMK |
149 | Albania | 3846.501 MMK |
150 | Norway | 3897.575 MMK |
151 | Greece | 3901.585 MMK |
152 | Barbados | 4070.120 MMK |
153 | Switzerland | 4088.575 MMK |
154 | Liechtenstein | 4177.763 MMK |
155 | Singapore | 4242.120 MMK |
156 | Denmark | 4270.455 MMK |
157 | Netherlands | 4288.898 MMK |
158 | Iceland | 4571.658 MMK |
159 | Monaco | 4660.895 MMK |
160 | Yemen | 5374.705 MMK |
161 | Hong Kong | 6945.706 MMK |
162 | Cuba | 12710.214 MMK |
Here, you can find a comparison of worldwide gasoline (or petrol) price in Myanma Kyat. As per our calculation, the global average of petrol price is 2643.1 MMK approximately, while 3263.88 MMK is the current petrol price in Myanmar.
The fuel price collection data (i.e., Gasoline price in Myanmar, etc.) is listed below in the table.
The currency information (i.e., MMK) was last updated on 2024-12-21 16:05:07 (GMT Time). Some countries of the world are missing in the above list.
We provide all information on this website subject to our privacy policy, disclaimer, etc.
Fuel Type | Date Updated |
Gasoline (Petrol): | 2024-12-16 |
Diesel : | 2024-12-16 |