Country: | |
Display: |
# | Country | 1 Liter Price |
1 | Venezuela | 1.498 KRW |
2 | Lebanon | 21.896 KRW |
3 | Libya | 44.334 KRW |
4 | Angola | 472.686 KRW |
5 | Egypt | 483.247 KRW |
6 | Algeria | 493.192 KRW |
7 | Kuwait | 493.439 KRW |
8 | Iran | 513.522 KRW |
9 | Turkmenistan | 618.128 KRW |
10 | Malaysia | 657.755 KRW |
11 | Kazakhstan | 676.374 KRW |
12 | Bahrain | 767.611 KRW |
13 | Bolivia | 785.979 KRW |
14 | Qatar | 836.564 KRW |
15 | Russia | 841.615 KRW |
16 | Saudi Arabia | 897.200 KRW |
17 | Oman | 897.968 KRW |
18 | Azerbaijan | 935.919 KRW |
19 | Iraq | 942.301 KRW |
20 | United Arab Emirates | 984.492 KRW |
21 | Ecuador | 1009.601 KRW |
22 | Bhutan | 1031.959 KRW |
23 | Ethiopia | 1057.805 KRW |
24 | Indonesia | 1099.262 KRW |
25 | Nigeria | 1109.081 KRW |
26 | Tunisia | 1150.767 KRW |
27 | Chad | 1191.219 KRW |
28 | Vietnam | 1195.974 KRW |
29 | Kyrgyzstan | 1210.338 KRW |
30 | Paraguay | 1230.192 KRW |
31 | Liberia | 1240.839 KRW |
32 | Afghanistan | 1261.912 KRW |
33 | Panama | 1272.850 KRW |
34 | USA | 1291.653 KRW |
35 | Pakistan | 1311.067 KRW |
36 | Maldives | 1313.049 KRW |
37 | Taiwan | 1329.797 KRW |
38 | Puerto Rico | 1343.724 KRW |
39 | Colombia | 1365.237 KRW |
40 | Gabon | 1368.292 KRW |
41 | El Salvador | 1408.813 KRW |
42 | Uzbekistan | 1445.265 KRW |
43 | Brazil | 1461.630 KRW |
44 | Guatemala | 1463.888 KRW |
45 | Honduras | 1468.561 KRW |
46 | Guyana | 1492.393 KRW |
47 | Benin | 1494.772 KRW |
48 | Lesotho | 1494.790 KRW |
49 | Sudan | 1514.954 KRW |
50 | Ghana | 1515.445 KRW |
51 | Bangladesh | 1519.087 KRW |
52 | DR Congo | 1526.513 KRW |
53 | Philippines | 1534.309 KRW |
54 | Botswana | 1549.784 KRW |
55 | Togo | 1563.762 KRW |
56 | China | 1585.305 KRW |
57 | Peru | 1590.007 KRW |
58 | Georgia | 1591.965 KRW |
59 | Namibia | 1597.335 KRW |
60 | Mali | 1609.755 KRW |
61 | Japan | 1624.443 KRW |
62 | Swaziland | 1625.342 KRW |
63 | Cambodia | 1626.201 KRW |
64 | Rwanda | 1639.762 KRW |
65 | South Korea | 1641.880 KRW |
Here, you can find a fresh list of those countries where the gasoline (or petrol) price is cheaper than South Korea.
The fuel price collection data (i.e., Gasoline price in South Korea, etc.) is listed below in the table.
The currency information (i.e., KRW) was last updated on 2024-12-21 12:05:07 (GMT Time). Some countries of the world are missing in the above list.
We provide all information on this website subject to our privacy policy, disclaimer, etc.
Fuel Type | Date Updated |
Gasoline (Petrol): | 2024-12-16 |
Diesel : | 2024-12-16 |