
Countries where the Petrol Price is Cheaper than Cambodia

# Country 1 Liter Price
1 Venezuela 4.166 KHR
2 Lebanon 60.714 KHR
3 Libya 122.726 KHR
4 Angola 1320.468 KHR
5 Egypt 1359.523 KHR
6 Algeria 1369.085 KHR
7 Kuwait 1370.568 KHR
8 Iran 1433.285 KHR
9 Turkmenistan 1723.526 KHR
10 Malaysia 1867.315 KHR
11 Kazakhstan 1891.655 KHR
12 Bahrain 2134.133 KHR
13 Bolivia 2179.302 KHR
14 Qatar 2319.623 KHR
15 Russia 2438.919 KHR
16 Oman 2496.922 KHR
17 Saudi Arabia 2498.210 KHR
18 Azerbaijan 2602.186 KHR
19 Iraq 2612.810 KHR
20 United Arab Emirates 2737.246 KHR
21 Ecuador 2883.459 KHR
22 Bhutan 2954.461 KHR
23 Nigeria 3062.233 KHR
24 Indonesia 3181.897 KHR
25 Tunisia 3184.487 KHR
26 Ethiopia 3195.322 KHR
27 Liberia 3243.189 KHR
28 Kyrgyzstan 3270.196 KHR
29 Chad 3317.821 KHR
30 Afghanistan 3327.567 KHR
31 Paraguay 3376.294 KHR
32 Vietnam 3484.652 KHR
33 USA 3607.339 KHR
34 Maldives 3650.741 KHR
35 Panama 3663.641 KHR
36 Pakistan 3700.211 KHR
37 Puerto Rico 3796.353 KHR
38 Gabon 3811.010 KHR
39 Taiwan 3831.680 KHR
40 Colombia 3916.254 KHR
41 Uzbekistan 4006.915 KHR
42 El Salvador 4110.034 KHR
43 Bangladesh 4127.373 KHR
44 Guyana 4138.034 KHR
45 Lesotho 4165.066 KHR
46 Brazil 4173.714 KHR
47 Ghana 4183.457 KHR
48 Honduras 4211.792 KHR
49 Sudan 4215.612 KHR
50 DR Congo 4221.339 KHR
51 Botswana 4279.163 KHR
52 Guatemala 4353.661 KHR
53 Togo 4355.440 KHR
54 Georgia 4365.463 KHR
55 Namibia 4392.884 KHR
56 Benin 4451.516 KHR
57 Tanzania 4464.315 KHR
58 Swaziland 4467.013 KHR
59 Mali 4483.541 KHR
60 Cambodia 4499.996 KHR
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About Countries where the Petrol Price is cheaper than Cambodia

Here, you can find a fresh list of those countries where the gasoline (or petrol) price is cheaper than Cambodia. The fuel price collection data (i.e., Gasoline price in Cambodia, etc.) is listed below in the table. The currency information (i.e., KHR) was last updated on 2025-01-24 05:05:00 (GMT Time). Some countries of the world are missing in the above list.
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Fuel Type Date Updated
Gasoline (Petrol): 2025-01-13
Diesel : 2025-01-13