
Countries where the Petrol Price is Cheaper than Cambodia

# Country 1 Liter Price
1 Venezuela 4.145 KHR
2 Lebanon 60.631 KHR
3 Libya 122.328 KHR
4 Angola 1312.724 KHR
5 Egypt 1352.218 KHR
6 Algeria 1356.265 KHR
7 Kuwait 1361.898 KHR
8 Iran 1425.755 KHR
9 Turkmenistan 1714.980 KHR
10 Malaysia 1851.556 KHR
11 Kazakhstan 1892.967 KHR
12 Bahrain 2124.115 KHR
13 Bolivia 2176.488 KHR
14 Qatar 2316.367 KHR
15 Russia 2409.291 KHR
16 Oman 2484.110 KHR
17 Saudi Arabia 2485.996 KHR
18 Azerbaijan 2589.284 KHR
19 Iraq 2609.370 KHR
20 United Arab Emirates 2723.681 KHR
21 Nigeria 2823.326 KHR
22 Ecuador 2869.162 KHR
23 Bhutan 2910.253 KHR
24 Indonesia 3139.215 KHR
25 Tunisia 3163.139 KHR
26 Ethiopia 3188.880 KHR
27 Liberia 3222.704 KHR
28 Kyrgyzstan 3248.428 KHR
29 Chad 3279.427 KHR
30 Paraguay 3385.931 KHR
31 Vietnam 3438.582 KHR
32 Afghanistan 3500.875 KHR
33 USA 3613.463 KHR
34 Maldives 3632.639 KHR
35 Pakistan 3692.368 KHR
36 Panama 3733.512 KHR
37 Puerto Rico 3749.518 KHR
38 Gabon 3766.910 KHR
39 Taiwan 3784.009 KHR
40 Uzbekistan 3990.941 KHR
41 Colombia 4002.724 KHR
42 El Salvador 4089.655 KHR
43 Ghana 4110.303 KHR
44 Lesotho 4113.870 KHR
45 Bangladesh 4122.021 KHR
46 Guyana 4132.588 KHR
47 Sudan 4194.710 KHR
48 DR Congo 4212.251 KHR
49 Honduras 4238.392 KHR
50 Botswana 4246.859 KHR
51 Brazil 4300.725 KHR
52 Togo 4305.040 KHR
53 Guatemala 4348.214 KHR
54 Tanzania 4389.356 KHR
55 Benin 4400.004 KHR
56 Swaziland 4415.253 KHR
57 Namibia 4428.923 KHR
58 Mali 4431.659 KHR
59 Georgia 4452.507 KHR
60 Rwanda 4481.248 KHR
61 South Africa 4539.412 KHR
62 Haiti 4548.186 KHR
63 China 4586.529 KHR
64 Grenada 4590.117 KHR
65 Trinidad&Tobago 4595.072 KHR
66 Mongolia 4604.572 KHR
67 Philippines 4636.503 KHR
68 India 4638.502 KHR
69 Cambodia 4649.999 KHR
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About Countries where the Petrol Price is cheaper than Cambodia

Here, you can find a fresh list of those countries where the gasoline (or petrol) price is cheaper than Cambodia. The fuel price collection data (i.e., Gasoline price in Cambodia, etc.) is listed below in the table. The currency information (i.e., KHR) was last updated on 2025-02-05 06:05:00 (GMT Time). Some countries of the world are missing in the above list.
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Fuel Type Date Updated
Gasoline (Petrol): 2025-01-27
Diesel : 2025-01-27