Country: | |
Display: |
# | Country | 1 Liter Price |
1 | Venezuela | 0.218 GYD |
2 | Lebanon | 3.160 GYD |
3 | Libya | 6.404 GYD |
4 | Angola | 69.158 GYD |
5 | Egypt | 71.229 GYD |
6 | Algeria | 71.661 GYD |
7 | Kuwait | 71.717 GYD |
8 | Iran | 75.030 GYD |
9 | Turkmenistan | 89.994 GYD |
10 | Malaysia | 97.219 GYD |
11 | Kazakhstan | 100.942 GYD |
12 | Bahrain | 111.816 GYD |
13 | Bolivia | 113.467 GYD |
14 | Qatar | 120.744 GYD |
15 | Oman | 130.730 GYD |
16 | Saudi Arabia | 130.827 GYD |
17 | Russia | 131.866 GYD |
18 | Azerbaijan | 136.261 GYD |
19 | Iraq | 136.639 GYD |
20 | United Arab Emirates | 150.791 GYD |
21 | Ecuador | 150.989 GYD |
22 | Bhutan | 158.462 GYD |
23 | Indonesia | 165.038 GYD |
24 | Tunisia | 165.747 GYD |
25 | Ethiopia | 166.229 GYD |
26 | Nigeria | 166.481 GYD |
27 | Liberia | 168.002 GYD |
28 | Kyrgyzstan | 170.346 GYD |
29 | Chad | 171.751 GYD |
30 | Paraguay | 176.215 GYD |
31 | Vietnam | 178.947 GYD |
32 | Afghanistan | 183.898 GYD |
33 | USA | 190.158 GYD |
34 | Maldives | 191.043 GYD |
35 | Pakistan | 192.413 GYD |
36 | Panama | 196.476 GYD |
37 | Gabon | 197.281 GYD |
38 | Syria | 199.215 GYD |
39 | Taiwan | 199.410 GYD |
40 | Puerto Rico | 200.477 GYD |
41 | Uzbekistan | 208.844 GYD |
42 | Colombia | 210.973 GYD |
43 | Guyana | 215.000 GYD |
44 | Ghana | 216.551 GYD |
45 | Bangladesh | 217.439 GYD |
46 | El Salvador | 217.955 GYD |
47 | Lesotho | 218.355 GYD |
48 | DR Congo | 219.387 GYD |
49 | Sudan | 220.746 GYD |
50 | Honduras | 221.919 GYD |
51 | Botswana | 223.546 GYD |
52 | Brazil | 224.856 GYD |
53 | Togo | 225.464 GYD |
54 | Guatemala | 227.681 GYD |
55 | Tanzania | 227.822 GYD |
56 | Benin | 230.437 GYD |
57 | Mali | 232.095 GYD |
58 | Rwanda | 234.019 GYD |
59 | Swaziland | 234.350 GYD |
60 | Namibia | 236.052 GYD |
61 | Haiti | 237.107 GYD |
62 | Georgia | 239.370 GYD |
63 | Peru | 239.471 GYD |
64 | Cambodia | 240.035 GYD |
65 | Trinidad&Tobago | 240.388 GYD |
66 | China | 241.220 GYD |
67 | Grenada | 241.555 GYD |
68 | Argentina | 241.661 GYD |
69 | Mongolia | 242.315 GYD |
70 | India | 242.394 GYD |
71 | Philippines | 244.101 GYD |
72 | Nepal | 250.135 GYD |
73 | South Korea | 250.789 GYD |
74 | South Africa | 251.888 GYD |
75 | Madagascar | 253.602 GYD |
76 | Jamaica | 254.878 GYD |
77 | Japan | 257.638 GYD |
78 | Dominican Republic | 258.937 GYD |
79 | Mexico | 261.683 GYD |
80 | Zambia | 262.124 GYD |
81 | Suriname | 262.504 GYD |
82 | Sri Lanka | 262.643 GYD |
83 | Australia | 264.116 GYD |
84 | Canada | 264.216 GYD |
85 | Cape Verde | 270.224 GYD |
86 | Turkey | 271.818 GYD |
87 | Aruba | 272.797 GYD |
88 | Sierra Leone | 274.159 GYD |
89 | Moldova | 274.480 GYD |
90 | Mauritius | 275.970 GYD |
91 | Costa Rica | 275.970 GYD |
92 | Bosnia & Herz. | 277.040 GYD |
93 | Armenia | 278.097 GYD |
94 | Nicaragua | 278.998 GYD |
95 | Northern Macedonia | 279.343 GYD |
96 | Dominica | 279.736 GYD |
97 | Thailand | 281.645 GYD |
98 | Burkina Faso | 281.830 GYD |
99 | Saint Lucia | 282.853 GYD |
100 | Chile | 282.927 GYD |
101 | Burundi | 283.242 GYD |
102 | Morocco | 283.484 GYD |
103 | Mozambique | 284.196 GYD |
104 | Kenya | 286.085 GYD |
105 | Bulgaria | 287.237 GYD |
106 | Uganda | 287.690 GYD |
107 | Ivory Coast | 290.119 GYD |
108 | Guinea | 290.973 GYD |
109 | Laos | 291.184 GYD |
110 | Malta | 291.439 GYD |
111 | Seychelles | 295.411 GYD |
112 | Ukraine | 296.393 GYD |
113 | Bahamas | 298.399 GYD |
114 | Cayman Islands | 305.556 GYD |
115 | Malawi | 305.869 GYD |
116 | Andorra | 307.534 GYD |
117 | Cyprus | 311.884 GYD |
118 | Czech Republic | 318.686 GYD |
119 | Lithuania | 324.498 GYD |
120 | Romania | 326.279 GYD |
121 | Poland | 326.789 GYD |
122 | Senegal | 328.249 GYD |
123 | Jordan | 329.503 GYD |
124 | Sweden | 331.818 GYD |
125 | Slovenia | 335.590 GYD |
126 | Burma | 337.321 GYD |
127 | Luxembourg | 338.853 GYD |
128 | Croatia | 339.288 GYD |
129 | Spain | 339.940 GYD |
130 | Austria | 341.245 GYD |
131 | Hungary | 341.480 GYD |
132 | Serbia | 345.514 GYD |
133 | Slovakia | 350.597 GYD |
134 | Belgium | 354.295 GYD |
135 | Latvia | 354.512 GYD |
136 | Estonia | 357.122 GYD |
137 | United Kingdom | 361.470 GYD |
138 | Central African Rep. | 364.721 GYD |
139 | Belize | 366.942 GYD |
140 | Finland | 370.824 GYD |
141 | New Zealand | 377.902 GYD |
142 | Germany | 380.176 GYD |
143 | Uruguay | 380.272 GYD |
144 | Mayotte | 380.611 GYD |
145 | Monaco | 380.611 GYD |
146 | Albania | 380.992 GYD |
147 | Portugal | 383.439 GYD |
148 | France | 383.439 GYD |
149 | Ireland | 391.486 GYD |
150 | Italy | 398.011 GYD |
151 | Greece | 399.533 GYD |
152 | Norway | 402.663 GYD |
153 | Switzerland | 408.489 GYD |
154 | Barbados | 408.535 GYD |
155 | Liechtenstein | 411.960 GYD |
156 | Netherlands | 429.547 GYD |
157 | Singapore | 433.214 GYD |
158 | Denmark | 444.756 GYD |
159 | Iceland | 467.514 GYD |
160 | Yemen | 541.154 GYD |
161 | Hong Kong | 717.426 GYD |
162 | Cuba | 1275.777 GYD |
Here, you can find a comparison of worldwide gasoline (or petrol) price in Guyanese Dollar. As per our calculation, the global average of petrol price is 267.7 GYD approximately, while 215 GYD is the current petrol price in Guyana.
The fuel price collection data (i.e., Gasoline price in Guyana, etc.) is listed below in the table.
The currency information (i.e., GYD) was last updated on 2025-02-08 18:05:04 (GMT Time). Some countries of the world are missing in the above list.
We provide all information on this website subject to our privacy policy, disclaimer, etc.
Fuel Type | Date Updated |
Gasoline (Petrol): | 2025-02-03 |
Diesel : | 2025-02-03 |