Country: | |
Display: |
# | Country | 1 Liter Price |
1 | Lebanon | 3.153 GYD |
2 | Venezuela | 4.213 GYD |
3 | Libya | 6.432 GYD |
4 | Angola | 68.854 GYD |
5 | Egypt | 71.479 GYD |
6 | Kuwait | 71.483 GYD |
7 | Algeria | 72.115 GYD |
8 | Iran | 74.618 GYD |
9 | Turkmenistan | 89.739 GYD |
10 | Malaysia | 96.191 GYD |
11 | Kazakhstan | 103.016 GYD |
12 | Bahrain | 111.109 GYD |
13 | Bolivia | 112.993 GYD |
14 | Qatar | 120.481 GYD |
15 | Russia | 122.282 GYD |
16 | Saudi Arabia | 129.954 GYD |
17 | Oman | 129.986 GYD |
18 | Azerbaijan | 135.488 GYD |
19 | Iraq | 135.756 GYD |
20 | Nigeria | 147.622 GYD |
21 | Ecuador | 148.249 GYD |
22 | United Arab Emirates | 149.931 GYD |
23 | Bhutan | 150.095 GYD |
24 | Ethiopia | 152.938 GYD |
25 | Indonesia | 161.505 GYD |
26 | Tunisia | 167.363 GYD |
27 | Chad | 173.891 GYD |
28 | Vietnam | 175.602 GYD |
29 | Paraguay | 177.117 GYD |
30 | Kyrgyzstan | 179.302 GYD |
31 | Afghanistan | 183.713 GYD |
32 | Panama | 184.683 GYD |
33 | Pakistan | 189.119 GYD |
34 | USA | 189.289 GYD |
35 | Maldives | 189.346 GYD |
36 | Taiwan | 192.178 GYD |
37 | Colombia | 195.157 GYD |
38 | Puerto Rico | 195.781 GYD |
39 | Liberia | 197.057 GYD |
40 | Gabon | 199.740 GYD |
41 | Ghana | 202.171 GYD |
42 | El Salvador | 205.203 GYD |
43 | Uzbekistan | 208.448 GYD |
44 | Philippines | 209.552 GYD |
45 | Honduras | 213.024 GYD |
46 | Guyana | 215.000 GYD |
47 | Lesotho | 216.278 GYD |
48 | Bangladesh | 218.841 GYD |
49 | Sudan | 219.312 GYD |
50 | DR Congo | 219.339 GYD |
51 | Brazil | 220.191 GYD |
52 | Botswana | 225.891 GYD |
53 | Peru | 226.035 GYD |
54 | Benin | 228.274 GYD |
55 | China | 231.246 GYD |
56 | Tanzania | 232.117 GYD |
57 | Namibia | 233.581 GYD |
58 | Togo | 234.988 GYD |
59 | Mali | 234.988 GYD |
60 | Haiti | 235.617 GYD |
61 | Suriname | 236.045 GYD |
62 | Georgia | 236.138 GYD |
63 | Japan | 236.674 GYD |
64 | Swaziland | 237.753 GYD |
65 | Cambodia | 238.501 GYD |
66 | Rwanda | 238.800 GYD |
67 | Trinidad&Tobago | 239.484 GYD |
68 | Mongolia | 240.941 GYD |
69 | South Korea | 240.964 GYD |
70 | South Africa | 241.092 GYD |
71 | Argentina | 244.008 GYD |
72 | Nepal | 246.449 GYD |
73 | Zambia | 247.205 GYD |
74 | Grenada | 250.257 GYD |
75 | India | 250.333 GYD |
76 | Canada | 258.496 GYD |
77 | Mexico | 259.256 GYD |
78 | Turkey | 259.793 GYD |
79 | Moldova | 262.054 GYD |
80 | Cape Verde | 263.345 GYD |
81 | Bosnia & Herz. | 263.633 GYD |
82 | Madagascar | 263.682 GYD |
83 | Dominican Republic | 265.848 GYD |
84 | Sri Lanka | 266.784 GYD |
85 | Jamaica | 267.415 GYD |
86 | Morocco | 272.255 GYD |
87 | Northern Macedonia | 272.504 GYD |
88 | Sierra Leone | 272.604 GYD |
89 | Chile | 272.609 GYD |
90 | Australia | 272.742 GYD |
91 | Thailand | 275.177 GYD |
92 | Bulgaria | 276.960 GYD |
93 | Aruba | 277.327 GYD |
94 | Dominica | 278.150 GYD |
95 | Nicaragua | 278.472 GYD |
96 | Saint Lucia | 281.249 GYD |
97 | Mozambique | 282.408 GYD |
98 | Costa Rica | 282.620 GYD |
99 | Burundi | 283.341 GYD |
100 | Uganda | 283.466 GYD |
101 | Laos | 283.747 GYD |
102 | Burkina Faso | 285.343 GYD |
103 | Guatemala | 286.187 GYD |
104 | Kenya | 289.946 GYD |
105 | Armenia | 290.411 GYD |
106 | Ukraine | 290.829 GYD |
107 | Guinea | 291.257 GYD |
108 | Ivory Coast | 293.735 GYD |
109 | Malta | 295.186 GYD |
110 | Mauritius | 298.743 GYD |
111 | Andorra | 299.371 GYD |
112 | Bahamas | 300.267 GYD |
113 | Lithuania | 301.574 GYD |
114 | Malawi | 305.256 GYD |
115 | Cyprus | 305.980 GYD |
116 | Cayman Islands | 306.024 GYD |
117 | Poland | 310.080 GYD |
118 | Czech Republic | 311.138 GYD |
119 | Seychelles | 311.166 GYD |
120 | Romania | 311.266 GYD |
121 | Hungary | 321.932 GYD |
122 | Luxembourg | 323.603 GYD |
123 | Sweden | 325.540 GYD |
124 | Slovenia | 326.466 GYD |
125 | Jordan | 327.681 GYD |
126 | Burma | 328.796 GYD |
127 | Slovakia | 329.550 GYD |
128 | Spain | 330.211 GYD |
129 | Austria | 330.652 GYD |
130 | Senegal | 332.340 GYD |
131 | Latvia | 334.397 GYD |
132 | Croatia | 334.397 GYD |
133 | Serbia | 338.784 GYD |
134 | Belgium | 346.733 GYD |
135 | Estonia | 347.834 GYD |
136 | United Kingdom | 356.097 GYD |
137 | Germany | 363.034 GYD |
138 | Uruguay | 367.250 GYD |
139 | Central African Rep. | 369.267 GYD |
140 | Portugal | 372.286 GYD |
141 | Finland | 372.286 GYD |
142 | France | 376.031 GYD |
143 | Belize | 376.772 GYD |
144 | Ireland | 381.318 GYD |
145 | Mayotte | 385.503 GYD |
146 | Italy | 388.808 GYD |
147 | New Zealand | 389.367 GYD |
148 | Albania | 389.420 GYD |
149 | Greece | 390.570 GYD |
150 | Norway | 395.476 GYD |
151 | Switzerland | 413.336 GYD |
152 | Liechtenstein | 419.258 GYD |
153 | Denmark | 420.923 GYD |
154 | Singapore | 427.055 GYD |
155 | Netherlands | 428.460 GYD |
156 | Barbados | 441.815 GYD |
157 | Iceland | 458.600 GYD |
158 | Monaco | 469.213 GYD |
159 | Yemen | 536.202 GYD |
160 | Hong Kong | 692.495 GYD |
161 | Syria | 1029.400 GYD |
162 | Cuba | 1268.544 GYD |
Here, you can find a comparison of worldwide gasoline (or petrol) price in Guyanese Dollar. As per our calculation, the global average of petrol price is 270.6 GYD approximately, while 215 GYD is the current petrol price in Guyana.
The fuel price collection data (i.e., Gasoline price in Guyana, etc.) is listed below in the table.
The currency information (i.e., GYD) was last updated on 2024-11-21 10:05:00 (GMT Time). Some countries of the world are missing in the above list.
We provide all information on this website subject to our privacy policy, disclaimer, etc.
Fuel Type | Date Updated |
Gasoline (Petrol): | 2024-11-11 |
Diesel : | 2024-11-11 |