Country: | |
Display: |
# | Country | 1 Liter Price |
102 | Burundi | 4000.000 BIF |
103 | Costa Rica | 4013.970 BIF |
104 | Ukraine | 4019.576 BIF |
105 | Laos | 4022.512 BIF |
106 | Uganda | 4029.806 BIF |
107 | Kenya | 4100.677 BIF |
108 | Guinea | 4106.479 BIF |
109 | Ivory Coast | 4112.793 BIF |
110 | Malta | 4131.511 BIF |
111 | Bahamas | 4161.597 BIF |
112 | Andorra | 4227.091 BIF |
113 | Lithuania | 4264.090 BIF |
114 | Cyprus | 4291.838 BIF |
115 | Malawi | 4313.734 BIF |
116 | Cayman Islands | 4324.671 BIF |
117 | Romania | 4337.970 BIF |
118 | Seychelles | 4353.671 BIF |
119 | Czech Republic | 4382.184 BIF |
120 | Poland | 4461.308 BIF |
121 | Slovenia | 4541.579 BIF |
122 | Luxembourg | 4590.911 BIF |
123 | Burma | 4598.181 BIF |
124 | Jordan | 4604.577 BIF |
125 | Hungary | 4609.291 BIF |
126 | Spain | 4640.242 BIF |
127 | Senegal | 4653.331 BIF |
128 | Austria | 4664.908 BIF |
129 | Sweden | 4685.687 BIF |
130 | Slovakia | 4689.574 BIF |
131 | Croatia | 4711.156 BIF |
132 | Serbia | 4717.450 BIF |
133 | Latvia | 4797.486 BIF |
134 | Belgium | 4883.816 BIF |
135 | Estonia | 4936.231 BIF |
136 | Uruguay | 4956.481 BIF |
137 | United Kingdom | 5068.056 BIF |
138 | Germany | 5121.224 BIF |
139 | Finland | 5139.724 BIF |
140 | Central African Rep. | 5170.368 BIF |
141 | Portugal | 5247.636 BIF |
142 | France | 5278.468 BIF |
143 | New Zealand | 5300.328 BIF |
144 | Belize | 5338.904 BIF |
145 | Mayotte | 5364.798 BIF |
146 | Albania | 5398.753 BIF |
147 | Italy | 5417.213 BIF |
148 | Ireland | 5417.213 BIF |
149 | Norway | 5490.985 BIF |
150 | Greece | 5497.377 BIF |
151 | Barbados | 5734.019 BIF |
152 | Switzerland | 5762.082 BIF |
153 | Liechtenstein | 5887.776 BIF |
154 | Singapore | 5976.334 BIF |
155 | Denmark | 6016.253 BIF |
156 | Netherlands | 6043.106 BIF |
157 | Iceland | 6440.591 BIF |
158 | Monaco | 6567.253 BIF |
159 | Yemen | 7571.953 BIF |
160 | Hong Kong | 9779.886 BIF |
161 | Syria | 14530.596 BIF |
162 | Cuba | 17906.256 BIF |
Here, you can find a fresh list of those countries where the gasoline (or petrol) price is expensive than Burundi.
The fuel price collection data (i.e., Gasoline price in Burundi, etc.) is listed below in the table.
The currency information (i.e., BIF) was last updated on 2024-12-21 11:05:07 (GMT Time). Some countries of the world are missing in the above list.
We provide all information on this website subject to our privacy policy, disclaimer, etc.
Fuel Type | Date Updated |
Gasoline (Petrol): | 2024-12-16 |
Diesel : | 2024-12-16 |