
Countries where the Petrol Price is Cheaper than Burundi

# Country 1 Liter Price
1 Venezuela 3.069 BIF
2 Lebanon 44.650 BIF
3 Libya 90.906 BIF
4 Angola 970.281 BIF
5 Egypt 996.161 BIF
6 Kuwait 1008.432 BIF
7 Algeria 1009.782 BIF
8 Iran 1055.868 BIF
9 Turkmenistan 1269.681 BIF
10 Malaysia 1374.518 BIF
11 Kazakhstan 1432.415 BIF
12 Bahrain 1573.059 BIF
13 Bolivia 1602.967 BIF
14 Qatar 1706.115 BIF
15 Nigeria 1831.121 BIF
16 Oman 1839.095 BIF
17 Saudi Arabia 1840.671 BIF
18 Azerbaijan 1916.970 BIF
19 Iraq 1921.563 BIF
20 Russia 2018.076 BIF
21 United Arab Emirates 2121.321 BIF
22 Ecuador 2165.653 BIF
23 Bhutan 2259.929 BIF
24 Indonesia 2327.969 BIF
25 Tunisia 2364.969 BIF
26 Ethiopia 2385.696 BIF
27 Kyrgyzstan 2422.582 BIF
28 Chad 2447.601 BIF
29 Vietnam 2486.719 BIF
30 Afghanistan 2522.684 BIF
31 Liberia 2579.741 BIF
32 Paraguay 2600.930 BIF
33 Maldives 2689.416 BIF
34 Pakistan 2713.906 BIF
35 USA 2722.620 BIF
36 Panama 2731.508 BIF
37 Syria 2802.635 BIF
38 Gabon 2811.434 BIF
39 Puerto Rico 2814.460 BIF
40 Taiwan 2828.140 BIF
41 Uzbekistan 2950.537 BIF
42 Ghana 3006.267 BIF
43 Colombia 3023.202 BIF
44 Guyana 3035.276 BIF
45 El Salvador 3066.281 BIF
46 Bangladesh 3071.248 BIF
47 DR Congo 3092.625 BIF
48 Sudan 3105.544 BIF
49 Honduras 3148.926 BIF
50 Botswana 3173.434 BIF
51 Togo 3213.067 BIF
52 Tanzania 3220.703 BIF
53 Guatemala 3222.523 BIF
54 Philippines 3229.971 BIF
55 Lesotho 3253.434 BIF
56 Benin 3283.944 BIF
57 Brazil 3292.111 BIF
58 Mali 3307.569 BIF
59 Swaziland 3327.097 BIF
60 Namibia 3337.394 BIF
61 Georgia 3337.535 BIF
62 Haiti 3338.096 BIF
63 Trinidad&Tobago 3377.687 BIF
64 Cambodia 3395.783 BIF
65 Grenada 3398.283 BIF
66 Mongolia 3408.984 BIF
67 China 3410.799 BIF
68 Peru 3415.695 BIF
69 Argentina 3415.932 BIF
70 Rwanda 3436.811 BIF
71 Madagascar 3444.318 BIF
72 India 3455.919 BIF
73 South Africa 3549.827 BIF
74 South Korea 3575.990 BIF
75 Suriname 3598.793 BIF
76 Nepal 3601.193 BIF
77 Jamaica 3617.687 BIF
78 Dominican Republic 3642.278 BIF
79 Japan 3664.876 BIF
80 Zambia 3676.829 BIF
81 Mexico 3706.844 BIF
82 Sri Lanka 3716.351 BIF
83 Australia 3764.859 BIF
84 Turkey 3771.372 BIF
85 Canada 3789.734 BIF
86 Cape Verde 3849.439 BIF
87 Sierra Leone 3856.969 BIF
88 Moldova 3905.778 BIF
89 Mauritius 3917.686 BIF
90 Costa Rica 3934.259 BIF
91 Dominica 3935.431 BIF
92 Nicaragua 3940.602 BIF
93 Bosnia & Herz. 3947.357 BIF
94 Thailand 3977.081 BIF
95 Aruba 3978.100 BIF
96 Saint Lucia 3979.280 BIF
97 Bulgaria 3982.234 BIF
98 Armenia 3983.669 BIF
99 Mozambique 3998.801 BIF
100 Burundi 3999.999 BIF
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About Countries where the Petrol Price is cheaper than Burundi

Here, you can find a fresh list of those countries where the gasoline (or petrol) price is cheaper than Burundi. The fuel price collection data (i.e., Gasoline price in Burundi, etc.) is listed below in the table. The currency information (i.e., BIF) was last updated on 2025-02-22 07:05:23 (GMT Time). Some countries of the world are missing in the above list.
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Fuel Type Date Updated
Gasoline (Petrol): 2025-02-17
Diesel : 2025-02-17