Country: | |
Display: |
# | Country | 1 Liter Price |
1 | Venezuela | 0.002 BBD |
2 | Lebanon | 0.030 BBD |
3 | Libya | 0.061 BBD |
4 | Angola | 0.656 BBD |
5 | Egypt | 0.676 BBD |
6 | Algeria | 0.678 BBD |
7 | Kuwait | 0.681 BBD |
8 | Iran | 0.713 BBD |
9 | Turkmenistan | 0.857 BBD |
10 | Malaysia | 0.925 BBD |
11 | Kazakhstan | 0.946 BBD |
12 | Bahrain | 1.062 BBD |
13 | Bolivia | 1.088 BBD |
14 | Qatar | 1.158 BBD |
15 | Russia | 1.204 BBD |
16 | Saudi Arabia | 1.242 BBD |
17 | Oman | 1.242 BBD |
18 | Azerbaijan | 1.294 BBD |
19 | Iraq | 1.304 BBD |
20 | United Arab Emirates | 1.361 BBD |
21 | Nigeria | 1.411 BBD |
22 | Ecuador | 1.434 BBD |
23 | Bhutan | 1.455 BBD |
24 | Indonesia | 1.569 BBD |
25 | Tunisia | 1.581 BBD |
26 | Ethiopia | 1.594 BBD |
27 | Liberia | 1.611 BBD |
28 | Kyrgyzstan | 1.624 BBD |
29 | Chad | 1.639 BBD |
30 | Paraguay | 1.692 BBD |
31 | Vietnam | 1.707 BBD |
32 | Afghanistan | 1.750 BBD |
33 | USA | 1.806 BBD |
34 | Maldives | 1.816 BBD |
35 | Pakistan | 1.845 BBD |
36 | Panama | 1.866 BBD |
37 | Puerto Rico | 1.874 BBD |
38 | Gabon | 1.883 BBD |
39 | Taiwan | 1.891 BBD |
40 | Uzbekistan | 1.995 BBD |
41 | Colombia | 2.001 BBD |
42 | El Salvador | 2.044 BBD |
43 | Ghana | 2.054 BBD |
44 | Lesotho | 2.056 BBD |
45 | Bangladesh | 2.060 BBD |
46 | Guyana | 2.065 BBD |
47 | Sudan | 2.097 BBD |
48 | DR Congo | 2.105 BBD |
49 | Honduras | 2.118 BBD |
50 | Botswana | 2.123 BBD |
51 | Brazil | 2.149 BBD |
52 | Togo | 2.152 BBD |
53 | Guatemala | 2.173 BBD |
54 | Tanzania | 2.194 BBD |
55 | Benin | 2.199 BBD |
56 | Swaziland | 2.207 BBD |
57 | Namibia | 2.214 BBD |
58 | Mali | 2.215 BBD |
59 | Georgia | 2.225 BBD |
60 | Rwanda | 2.240 BBD |
61 | South Africa | 2.269 BBD |
62 | Haiti | 2.273 BBD |
63 | China | 2.292 BBD |
64 | Grenada | 2.294 BBD |
65 | Trinidad&Tobago | 2.297 BBD |
66 | Mongolia | 2.301 BBD |
67 | Philippines | 2.317 BBD |
68 | India | 2.318 BBD |
69 | Cambodia | 2.324 BBD |
70 | Peru | 2.335 BBD |
71 | South Korea | 2.383 BBD |
72 | Argentina | 2.402 BBD |
73 | Nepal | 2.407 BBD |
74 | Japan | 2.413 BBD |
75 | Madagascar | 2.440 BBD |
76 | Cape Verde | 2.472 BBD |
77 | Zambia | 2.478 BBD |
78 | Sri Lanka | 2.489 BBD |
79 | Jamaica | 2.491 BBD |
80 | Dominican Republic | 2.493 BBD |
81 | Mexico | 2.493 BBD |
82 | Suriname | 2.493 BBD |
83 | Canada | 2.494 BBD |
84 | Australia | 2.501 BBD |
85 | Turkey | 2.575 BBD |
86 | Aruba | 2.594 BBD |
87 | Chile | 2.598 BBD |
88 | Sierra Leone | 2.604 BBD |
89 | Mauritius | 2.622 BBD |
90 | Bosnia & Herz. | 2.631 BBD |
91 | Moldova | 2.652 BBD |
92 | Costa Rica | 2.657 BBD |
93 | Dominica | 2.657 BBD |
94 | Armenia | 2.666 BBD |
95 | Nicaragua | 2.675 BBD |
96 | Syria | 2.677 BBD |
97 | Saint Lucia | 2.686 BBD |
98 | Burkina Faso | 2.690 BBD |
99 | Thailand | 2.691 BBD |
100 | Northern Macedonia | 2.698 BBD |
101 | Morocco | 2.698 BBD |
102 | Mozambique | 2.700 BBD |
103 | Kenya | 2.713 BBD |
104 | Burundi | 2.716 BBD |
105 | Bulgaria | 2.719 BBD |
106 | Uganda | 2.752 BBD |
107 | Ivory Coast | 2.769 BBD |
108 | Laos | 2.776 BBD |
109 | Malta | 2.781 BBD |
110 | Guinea | 2.790 BBD |
111 | Seychelles | 2.802 BBD |
112 | Ukraine | 2.823 BBD |
113 | Bahamas | 2.834 BBD |
114 | Cayman Islands | 2.918 BBD |
115 | Malawi | 2.932 BBD |
116 | Andorra | 2.935 BBD |
117 | Cyprus | 2.972 BBD |
118 | Czech Republic | 3.037 BBD |
119 | Sweden | 3.087 BBD |
120 | Jordan | 3.101 BBD |
121 | Romania | 3.113 BBD |
122 | Poland | 3.113 BBD |
123 | Lithuania | 3.121 BBD |
124 | Senegal | 3.133 BBD |
125 | Burma | 3.146 BBD |
126 | Luxembourg | 3.165 BBD |
127 | Slovenia | 3.202 BBD |
128 | Croatia | 3.231 BBD |
129 | Spain | 3.252 BBD |
130 | Hungary | 3.282 BBD |
131 | Austria | 3.298 BBD |
132 | Slovakia | 3.308 BBD |
133 | Serbia | 3.314 BBD |
134 | Belgium | 3.379 BBD |
135 | Latvia | 3.383 BBD |
136 | Estonia | 3.408 BBD |
137 | United Kingdom | 3.452 BBD |
138 | Central African Rep. | 3.481 BBD |
139 | Belize | 3.518 BBD |
140 | Finland | 3.568 BBD |
141 | New Zealand | 3.587 BBD |
142 | Germany | 3.605 BBD |
143 | Albania | 3.622 BBD |
144 | Mayotte | 3.632 BBD |
145 | Monaco | 3.632 BBD |
146 | France | 3.659 BBD |
147 | Uruguay | 3.659 BBD |
148 | Portugal | 3.673 BBD |
149 | Ireland | 3.702 BBD |
150 | Italy | 3.806 BBD |
151 | Greece | 3.831 BBD |
152 | Norway | 3.846 BBD |
153 | Barbados | 3.880 BBD |
154 | Switzerland | 3.891 BBD |
155 | Liechtenstein | 3.953 BBD |
156 | Netherlands | 4.055 BBD |
157 | Singapore | 4.117 BBD |
158 | Denmark | 4.245 BBD |
159 | Iceland | 4.457 BBD |
160 | Yemen | 5.145 BBD |
161 | Hong Kong | 6.814 BBD |
162 | Cuba | 12.117 BBD |
Here, you can find a comparison of worldwide gasoline (or petrol) price in Barbados Dollar. As per our calculation, the global average of petrol price is 2.6 BBD approximately, while 3.88 BBD is the current petrol price in Barbados.
The fuel price collection data (i.e., Gasoline price in Barbados, etc.) is listed below in the table.
The currency information (i.e., BBD) was last updated on 2025-02-05 06:05:00 (GMT Time). Some countries of the world are missing in the above list.
We provide all information on this website subject to our privacy policy, disclaimer, etc.
Fuel Type | Date Updated |
Gasoline (Petrol): | 2025-01-27 |
Diesel : | 2025-01-27 |