Country: | |
Display: |
# | Country | 1 Liter Price |
1 | Venezuela | 3.805 UGX |
2 | Lebanon | 55.357 UGX |
3 | Libya | 112.705 UGX |
4 | Angola | 1202.951 UGX |
5 | Egypt | 1235.037 UGX |
6 | Kuwait | 1250.251 UGX |
7 | Algeria | 1251.924 UGX |
8 | Iran | 1309.062 UGX |
9 | Turkmenistan | 1574.147 UGX |
10 | Malaysia | 1704.124 UGX |
11 | Kazakhstan | 1775.903 UGX |
12 | Bahrain | 1950.274 UGX |
13 | Bolivia | 1987.354 UGX |
14 | Qatar | 2115.236 UGX |
15 | Nigeria | 2270.218 UGX |
16 | Oman | 2280.104 UGX |
17 | Saudi Arabia | 2282.059 UGX |
18 | Azerbaijan | 2376.654 UGX |
19 | Iraq | 2382.348 UGX |
20 | Russia | 2502.005 UGX |
21 | United Arab Emirates | 2630.007 UGX |
22 | Ecuador | 2684.970 UGX |
23 | Bhutan | 2801.852 UGX |
24 | Indonesia | 2886.208 UGX |
25 | Tunisia | 2932.082 UGX |
26 | Ethiopia | 2957.779 UGX |
27 | Kyrgyzstan | 3003.510 UGX |
28 | Chad | 3034.529 UGX |
29 | Vietnam | 3083.026 UGX |
30 | Afghanistan | 3127.616 UGX |
31 | Liberia | 3198.354 UGX |
32 | Paraguay | 3224.625 UGX |
33 | Maldives | 3334.330 UGX |
34 | Pakistan | 3364.692 UGX |
35 | USA | 3375.496 UGX |
36 | Panama | 3386.515 UGX |
37 | Syria | 3474.698 UGX |
38 | Gabon | 3485.607 UGX |
39 | Puerto Rico | 3489.359 UGX |
40 | Taiwan | 3506.320 UGX |
41 | Uzbekistan | 3658.067 UGX |
42 | Ghana | 3727.160 UGX |
43 | Colombia | 3748.157 UGX |
44 | Guyana | 3763.126 UGX |
45 | El Salvador | 3801.565 UGX |
46 | Bangladesh | 3807.724 UGX |
47 | DR Congo | 3834.227 UGX |
48 | Sudan | 3850.243 UGX |
49 | Honduras | 3904.028 UGX |
50 | Botswana | 3934.413 UGX |
51 | Togo | 3983.551 UGX |
52 | Tanzania | 3993.018 UGX |
53 | Guatemala | 3995.274 UGX |
54 | Philippines | 4004.508 UGX |
55 | Lesotho | 4033.598 UGX |
56 | Benin | 4071.423 UGX |
57 | Brazil | 4081.549 UGX |
58 | Mali | 4100.714 UGX |
59 | Swaziland | 4124.924 UGX |
60 | Namibia | 4137.691 UGX |
61 | Georgia | 4137.865 UGX |
62 | Haiti | 4138.561 UGX |
63 | Trinidad&Tobago | 4187.646 UGX |
64 | Cambodia | 4210.082 UGX |
65 | Grenada | 4213.180 UGX |
66 | Mongolia | 4226.448 UGX |
67 | China | 4228.698 UGX |
68 | Peru | 4234.768 UGX |
69 | Argentina | 4235.062 UGX |
70 | Rwanda | 4260.948 UGX |
71 | Madagascar | 4270.255 UGX |
72 | India | 4284.637 UGX |
73 | South Africa | 4401.064 UGX |
74 | South Korea | 4433.502 UGX |
75 | Suriname | 4461.773 UGX |
76 | Nepal | 4464.748 UGX |
77 | Jamaica | 4485.197 UGX |
78 | Dominican Republic | 4515.685 UGX |
79 | Japan | 4543.702 UGX |
80 | Zambia | 4558.522 UGX |
81 | Mexico | 4595.733 UGX |
82 | Sri Lanka | 4607.521 UGX |
83 | Australia | 4667.660 UGX |
84 | Turkey | 4675.735 UGX |
85 | Canada | 4698.501 UGX |
86 | Cape Verde | 4772.522 UGX |
87 | Sierra Leone | 4781.858 UGX |
88 | Moldova | 4842.371 UGX |
89 | Mauritius | 4857.135 UGX |
90 | Costa Rica | 4877.682 UGX |
91 | Dominica | 4879.135 UGX |
92 | Nicaragua | 4885.547 UGX |
93 | Bosnia & Herz. | 4893.922 UGX |
94 | Thailand | 4930.773 UGX |
95 | Aruba | 4932.036 UGX |
96 | Saint Lucia | 4933.499 UGX |
97 | Bulgaria | 4937.161 UGX |
98 | Armenia | 4938.941 UGX |
99 | Mozambique | 4957.702 UGX |
100 | Burundi | 4959.186 UGX |
101 | Northern Macedonia | 4962.910 UGX |
102 | Kenya | 4966.605 UGX |
103 | Burkina Faso | 4979.439 UGX |
104 | Morocco | 4990.325 UGX |
105 | Uganda | 5040.006 UGX |
Here, you can find a fresh list of those countries where the gasoline (or petrol) price is cheaper than Uganda.
The fuel price collection data (i.e., Gasoline price in Uganda, etc.) is listed below in the table.
The currency information (i.e., UGX) was last updated on 2025-02-22 07:05:23 (GMT Time). Some countries of the world are missing in the above list.
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Fuel Type | Date Updated |
Gasoline (Petrol): | 2025-02-17 |
Diesel : | 2025-02-17 |