
Countries where the Petrol Price is Cheaper than Tanzania

# Country 1 Liter Price
1 Venezuela 2.595 TZS
2 Lebanon 37.818 TZS
3 Libya 76.445 TZS
4 Angola 822.510 TZS
5 Egypt 846.804 TZS
6 Algeria 852.793 TZS
7 Kuwait 853.717 TZS
8 Iran 892.783 TZS
9 Turkmenistan 1073.571 TZS
10 Malaysia 1167.899 TZS
11 Kazakhstan 1178.298 TZS
12 Bahrain 1329.336 TZS
13 Bolivia 1357.471 TZS
14 Qatar 1444.876 TZS
15 Russia 1519.163 TZS
16 Oman 1555.335 TZS
17 Saudi Arabia 1556.092 TZS
18 Azerbaijan 1620.882 TZS
19 Iraq 1627.500 TZS
20 United Arab Emirates 1705.010 TZS
21 Ecuador 1796.085 TZS
22 Bhutan 1839.734 TZS
23 Nigeria 1907.442 TZS
24 Indonesia 1982.398 TZS
25 Tunisia 1983.593 TZS
26 Ethiopia 1990.342 TZS
27 Liberia 2020.159 TZS
28 Kyrgyzstan 2036.981 TZS
29 Chad 2066.764 TZS
30 Afghanistan 2072.717 TZS
31 Paraguay 2103.068 TZS
32 Vietnam 2170.564 TZS
33 USA 2246.985 TZS
34 Maldives 2274.019 TZS
35 Panama 2282.055 TZS
36 Pakistan 2304.834 TZS
37 Puerto Rico 2364.720 TZS
38 Gabon 2373.985 TZS
39 Taiwan 2385.495 TZS
40 Colombia 2439.562 TZS
41 Uzbekistan 2495.877 TZS
42 El Salvador 2560.110 TZS
43 Bangladesh 2570.910 TZS
44 Guyana 2577.550 TZS
45 Lesotho 2594.389 TZS
46 Brazil 2600.258 TZS
47 Ghana 2605.844 TZS
48 Honduras 2623.494 TZS
49 Sudan 2625.874 TZS
50 DR Congo 2629.441 TZS
51 Botswana 2665.459 TZS
52 Guatemala 2711.863 TZS
53 Togo 2713.126 TZS
54 Georgia 2719.215 TZS
55 Namibia 2736.295 TZS
56 Benin 2772.974 TZS
57 Swaziland 2782.470 TZS
58 Mali 2792.924 TZS
59 Tanzania 2793.000 TZS
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About Countries where the Petrol Price is cheaper than Tanzania

Here, you can find a fresh list of those countries where the gasoline (or petrol) price is cheaper than Tanzania. The fuel price collection data (i.e., Gasoline price in Tanzania, etc.) is listed below in the table. The currency information (i.e., TZS) was last updated on 2025-01-24 06:05:35 (GMT Time). Some countries of the world are missing in the above list.
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Fuel Type Date Updated
Gasoline (Petrol): 2025-01-20
Diesel : 2025-01-20