
Countries where the Petrol Price is Cheaper than Tanzania

# Country 1 Liter Price
1 Venezuela 2.687 TZS
2 Lebanon 39.084 TZS
3 Libya 79.652 TZS
4 Angola 850.027 TZS
5 Egypt 870.976 TZS
6 Algeria 881.518 TZS
7 Kuwait 882.484 TZS
8 Iran 923.954 TZS
9 Turkmenistan 1111.714 TZS
10 Malaysia 1191.641 TZS
11 Kazakhstan 1273.317 TZS
12 Bahrain 1376.591 TZS
13 Bolivia 1404.856 TZS
14 Qatar 1496.127 TZS
15 Nigeria 1566.931 TZS
16 Oman 1610.950 TZS
17 Saudi Arabia 1611.489 TZS
18 Azerbaijan 1678.471 TZS
19 Iraq 1683.130 TZS
20 Russia 1751.395 TZS
21 United Arab Emirates 1857.587 TZS
22 Ecuador 1896.214 TZS
23 Bhutan 1959.034 TZS
24 Indonesia 2010.056 TZS
25 Tunisia 2067.014 TZS
26 Ethiopia 2075.814 TZS
27 Kyrgyzstan 2123.854 TZS
28 Chad 2125.936 TZS
29 Vietnam 2215.634 TZS
30 Afghanistan 2223.429 TZS
31 Paraguay 2269.304 TZS
32 Liberia 2270.387 TZS
33 Maldives 2354.813 TZS
34 USA 2368.322 TZS
35 Pakistan 2374.982 TZS
36 Panama 2391.668 TZS
37 Puerto Rico 2422.796 TZS
38 Gabon 2441.953 TZS
39 Syria 2453.946 TZS
40 Taiwan 2466.349 TZS
41 Uzbekistan 2587.391 TZS
42 Colombia 2608.079 TZS
43 Ghana 2635.812 TZS
44 Guyana 2667.267 TZS
45 El Salvador 2684.790 TZS
46 Bangladesh 2691.676 TZS
47 DR Congo 2701.021 TZS
48 Sudan 2719.168 TZS
49 Honduras 2737.048 TZS
50 Botswana 2765.937 TZS
51 Togo 2790.804 TZS
52 Brazil 2802.895 TZS
53 Tanzania 2820.000 TZS
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About Countries where the Petrol Price is cheaper than Tanzania

Here, you can find a fresh list of those countries where the gasoline (or petrol) price is cheaper than Tanzania. The fuel price collection data (i.e., Gasoline price in Tanzania, etc.) is listed below in the table. The currency information (i.e., TZS) was last updated on 2025-03-01 13:05:05 (GMT Time). Some countries of the world are missing in the above list.
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Fuel Type Date Updated
Gasoline (Petrol): 2025-02-24
Diesel : 2025-02-24