Country: | |
Display: |
# | Country | 1 Liter Price |
69 | Swaziland | 20.600 SZL |
70 | Argentina | 20.695 SZL |
71 | Georgia | 20.765 SZL |
72 | India | 20.899 SZL |
73 | Rwanda | 20.919 SZL |
74 | Zambia | 21.526 SZL |
75 | Cape Verde | 21.542 SZL |
76 | Canada | 21.684 SZL |
77 | Turkey | 21.802 SZL |
78 | Dominican Republic | 22.115 SZL |
79 | Mexico | 22.258 SZL |
80 | Sri Lanka | 22.368 SZL |
81 | Madagascar | 22.388 SZL |
82 | Grenada | 22.470 SZL |
83 | Moldova | 22.494 SZL |
84 | Aruba | 22.682 SZL |
85 | Jamaica | 22.984 SZL |
86 | Laos | 23.007 SZL |
87 | Dominica | 23.114 SZL |
88 | Nicaragua | 23.156 SZL |
89 | Sierra Leone | 23.234 SZL |
90 | Northern Macedonia | 23.242 SZL |
91 | Australia | 23.245 SZL |
92 | Saint Lucia | 23.371 SZL |
93 | Mozambique | 23.484 SZL |
94 | Thailand | 23.573 SZL |
95 | Bulgaria | 23.587 SZL |
96 | Morocco | 23.649 SZL |
97 | Burundi | 23.809 SZL |
98 | Bosnia & Herz. | 23.856 SZL |
99 | Chile | 23.974 SZL |
100 | Guinea | 24.181 SZL |
101 | Costa Rica | 24.186 SZL |
102 | Armenia | 24.285 SZL |
103 | Mali | 24.544 SZL |
104 | Burkina Faso | 24.544 SZL |
105 | Uganda | 24.602 SZL |
106 | Mauritius | 24.868 SZL |
107 | Ukraine | 24.878 SZL |
108 | Ivory Coast | 25.266 SZL |
109 | Kenya | 25.287 SZL |
110 | Andorra | 25.304 SZL |
111 | Bahamas | 25.334 SZL |
112 | Malawi | 25.379 SZL |
113 | Malta | 25.380 SZL |
114 | Lithuania | 25.399 SZL |
115 | Cyprus | 26.005 SZL |
116 | Cayman Islands | 26.176 SZL |
117 | Poland | 26.229 SZL |
118 | Seychelles | 26.306 SZL |
119 | Czech Republic | 26.428 SZL |
120 | Romania | 26.583 SZL |
121 | Burma | 26.824 SZL |
122 | Slovenia | 27.444 SZL |
123 | Hungary | 27.545 SZL |
124 | Jordan | 27.613 SZL |
125 | Luxembourg | 27.634 SZL |
126 | Slovakia | 27.937 SZL |
127 | Spain | 28.050 SZL |
128 | Latvia | 28.145 SZL |
129 | Croatia | 28.183 SZL |
130 | Austria | 28.391 SZL |
131 | Senegal | 28.586 SZL |
132 | Serbia | 28.812 SZL |
133 | Sweden | 29.041 SZL |
134 | Estonia | 29.490 SZL |
135 | Belgium | 30.153 SZL |
136 | United Kingdom | 30.371 SZL |
137 | Belize | 31.327 SZL |
138 | Uruguay | 31.502 SZL |
139 | Germany | 31.535 SZL |
140 | Central African Rep. | 31.763 SZL |
141 | Portugal | 31.800 SZL |
142 | France | 31.952 SZL |
143 | Mayotte | 32.198 SZL |
144 | Finland | 32.350 SZL |
145 | Ireland | 32.463 SZL |
146 | Italy | 32.956 SZL |
147 | New Zealand | 33.384 SZL |
148 | Greece | 33.391 SZL |
149 | Norway | 33.795 SZL |
150 | Albania | 34.060 SZL |
151 | Liechtenstein | 35.098 SZL |
152 | Switzerland | 35.300 SZL |
153 | Netherlands | 35.437 SZL |
154 | Singapore | 36.602 SZL |
155 | Barbados | 36.714 SZL |
156 | Denmark | 36.955 SZL |
157 | Iceland | 39.015 SZL |
158 | Monaco | 40.342 SZL |
159 | Yemen | 44.477 SZL |
160 | Hong Kong | 57.657 SZL |
161 | Syria | 85.541 SZL |
162 | Cuba | 105.414 SZL |
Here, you can find a fresh list of those countries where the gasoline (or petrol) price is expensive than Swaziland.
The fuel price collection data (i.e., Gasoline price in Swaziland, etc.) is listed below in the table.
The currency information (i.e., SZL) was last updated on 2024-10-16 01:05:00 (GMT Time). Some countries of the world are missing in the above list.
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Fuel Type | Date Updated |
Gasoline (Petrol): | 2024-10-07 |
Diesel : | 2024-10-07 |