
Countries where the Petrol Price is Cheaper than Syria

# Country 1 Liter Price
1 Venezuela 13.468 SYP
2 Lebanon 196.292 SYP
3 Libya 396.783 SYP
4 Angola 4269.172 SYP
5 Egypt 4394.805 SYP
6 Algeria 4426.354 SYP
7 Kuwait 4432.068 SYP
8 Iran 4633.917 SYP
9 Turkmenistan 5572.286 SYP
10 Malaysia 6075.009 SYP
11 Kazakhstan 6115.861 SYP
12 Bahrain 6899.571 SYP
13 Bolivia 7045.843 SYP
14 Qatar 7499.512 SYP
15 Russia 7885.659 SYP
16 Oman 8072.671 SYP
17 Saudi Arabia 8076.693 SYP
18 Azerbaijan 8413.059 SYP
19 Iraq 8447.406 SYP
20 United Arab Emirates 8849.810 SYP
21 Ecuador 9322.434 SYP
22 Bhutan 9554.034 SYP
23 Nigeria 9900.424 SYP
24 Tunisia 10295.680 SYP
25 Indonesia 10311.964 SYP
26 Ethiopia 10330.712 SYP
27 Liberia 10485.470 SYP
28 Kyrgyzstan 10572.786 SYP
29 Chad 10740.315 SYP
30 Afghanistan 10758.270 SYP
31 Paraguay 10915.807 SYP
32 Vietnam 11277.431 SYP
33 USA 11662.794 SYP
34 Maldives 11803.114 SYP
35 Panama 11844.822 SYP
36 Pakistan 11963.056 SYP
37 Puerto Rico 12273.888 SYP
38 Gabon 12336.848 SYP
39 Taiwan 12385.702 SYP
40 Colombia 12679.826 SYP
41 Uzbekistan 12954.650 SYP
42 El Salvador 13288.043 SYP
43 Bangladesh 13344.101 SYP
44 Guyana 13378.568 SYP
45 Lesotho 13465.964 SYP
46 Brazil 13496.431 SYP
47 Ghana 13525.424 SYP
48 Honduras 13617.036 SYP
49 Sudan 13629.384 SYP
50 DR Congo 13647.901 SYP
51 Botswana 13834.848 SYP
52 Guatemala 14075.706 SYP
53 Togo 14099.255 SYP
54 Georgia 14113.863 SYP
55 Namibia 14202.519 SYP
56 Benin 14410.268 SYP
57 Tanzania 14433.460 SYP
58 Swaziland 14442.184 SYP
59 Mali 14513.939 SYP
60 Cambodia 14548.817 SYP
61 Philippines 14608.087 SYP
62 Haiti 14736.768 SYP
63 Rwanda 14761.660 SYP
64 Trinidad&Tobago 14842.107 SYP
65 Grenada 14914.137 SYP
66 Mongolia 14961.101 SYP
67 China 14977.741 SYP
68 South Africa 15000.988 SYP
69 Peru 15013.902 SYP
70 Japan 15117.535 SYP
71 India 15232.205 SYP
72 Nepal 15350.847 SYP
73 South Korea 15499.613 SYP
74 Argentina 15622.404 SYP
75 Suriname 15711.290 SYP
76 Jamaica 16092.262 SYP
77 Cape Verde 16139.331 SYP
78 Sri Lanka 16175.159 SYP
79 Zambia 16221.171 SYP
80 Dominican Republic 16258.873 SYP
81 Mexico 16366.455 SYP
82 Madagascar 16384.094 SYP
83 Canada 16424.821 SYP
84 Australia 16426.596 SYP
85 Turkey 16504.134 SYP
86 Chile 16767.357 SYP
87 Moldova 16836.925 SYP
88 Aruba 16866.484 SYP
89 Bosnia & Herz. 16896.768 SYP
90 Sierra Leone 16927.185 SYP
91 Mauritius 17160.287 SYP
92 Armenia 17205.194 SYP
93 Costa Rica 17258.153 SYP
94 Dominica 17271.532 SYP
95 Nicaragua 17329.046 SYP
96 Syria 17400.000 SYP
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About Countries where the Petrol Price is cheaper than Syria

Here, you can find a fresh list of those countries where the gasoline (or petrol) price is cheaper than Syria. The fuel price collection data (i.e., Gasoline price in Syria, etc.) is listed below in the table. The currency information (i.e., SYP) was last updated on 2025-01-24 07:05:44 (GMT Time). Some countries of the world are missing in the above list.
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Fuel Type Date Updated
Gasoline (Petrol): 2025-01-20
Diesel : 2025-01-20