
Countries where the Petrol Price is Cheaper than Rwanda

# Country 1 Liter Price
1 Venezuela 1.467 RWF
2 Lebanon 21.327 RWF
3 Libya 43.232 RWF
4 Angola 464.210 RWF
5 Egypt 475.873 RWF
6 Kuwait 481.450 RWF
7 Algeria 481.764 RWF
8 Iran 504.567 RWF
9 Turkmenistan 606.056 RWF
10 Malaysia 653.632 RWF
11 Kazakhstan 692.081 RWF
12 Bahrain 751.544 RWF
13 Bolivia 765.275 RWF
14 Qatar 814.763 RWF
15 Oman 879.116 RWF
16 Saudi Arabia 879.782 RWF
17 Azerbaijan 916.332 RWF
18 Iraq 917.486 RWF
19 Russia 956.822 RWF
20 United Arab Emirates 1014.027 RWF
21 Ecuador 1015.380 RWF
22 Bhutan 1076.863 RWF
23 Indonesia 1108.858 RWF
24 Nigeria 1112.900 RWF
25 Ethiopia 1118.057 RWF
26 Tunisia 1127.434 RWF
27 Kyrgyzstan 1156.077 RWF
28 Chad 1165.810 RWF
29 Afghanistan 1170.789 RWF
30 Vietnam 1188.913 RWF
31 Liberia 1231.684 RWF
32 Paraguay 1239.984 RWF
33 Maldives 1284.736 RWF
34 Pakistan 1296.308 RWF
35 USA 1301.442 RWF
36 Panama 1305.690 RWF
37 Gabon 1339.106 RWF
38 Syria 1339.690 RWF
39 Puerto Rico 1346.759 RWF
40 Taiwan 1352.500 RWF
41 Uzbekistan 1402.757 RWF
42 Colombia 1421.835 RWF
43 Ghana 1437.705 RWF
44 Guyana 1453.038 RWF
45 El Salvador 1465.715 RWF
46 Bangladesh 1466.382 RWF
47 DR Congo 1477.567 RWF
48 Sudan 1484.483 RWF
49 Honduras 1502.489 RWF
50 Botswana 1510.946 RWF
51 Togo 1530.407 RWF
52 Philippines 1536.070 RWF
53 Guatemala 1539.737 RWF
54 Lesotho 1546.697 RWF
55 Tanzania 1550.890 RWF
56 Benin 1564.166 RWF
57 Mali 1575.419 RWF
58 Swaziland 1581.510 RWF
59 Brazil 1584.472 RWF
60 Namibia 1586.612 RWF
61 Georgia 1589.710 RWF
62 Haiti 1599.890 RWF
63 Trinidad&Tobago 1617.346 RWF
64 Peru 1617.424 RWF
65 Cambodia 1620.691 RWF
66 Argentina 1621.260 RWF
67 China 1622.589 RWF
68 Grenada 1624.416 RWF
69 Mongolia 1629.531 RWF
70 Rwanda 1632.998 RWF
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About Countries where the Petrol Price is cheaper than Rwanda

Here, you can find a fresh list of those countries where the gasoline (or petrol) price is cheaper than Rwanda. The fuel price collection data (i.e., Gasoline price in Rwanda, etc.) is listed below in the table. The currency information (i.e., RWF) was last updated on 2025-02-19 12:05:01 (GMT Time). Some countries of the world are missing in the above list.
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Fuel Type Date Updated
Gasoline (Petrol): 2025-02-10
Diesel : 2025-02-10