
Countries where the Petrol Price is Cheaper than Malawi

# Country 1 Liter Price
1 Venezuela 1.794 MWK
2 Lebanon 26.146 MWK
3 Libya 52.852 MWK
4 Angola 568.658 MWK
5 Egypt 585.454 MWK
6 Algeria 589.595 MWK
7 Kuwait 590.233 MWK
8 Iran 617.243 MWK
9 Turkmenistan 742.234 MWK
10 Malaysia 807.449 MWK
11 Kazakhstan 814.639 MWK
12 Bahrain 919.062 MWK
13 Bolivia 938.514 MWK
14 Qatar 998.943 MWK
15 Russia 1050.302 MWK
16 Oman 1075.311 MWK
17 Saudi Arabia 1075.834 MWK
18 Azerbaijan 1120.628 MWK
19 Iraq 1125.203 MWK
20 United Arab Emirates 1178.792 MWK
21 Ecuador 1241.758 MWK
22 Bhutan 1271.936 MWK
23 Nigeria 1318.747 MWK
24 Indonesia 1370.569 MWK
25 Tunisia 1371.395 MWK
26 Ethiopia 1376.062 MWK
27 Liberia 1396.676 MWK
28 Kyrgyzstan 1408.306 MWK
29 Chad 1428.897 MWK
30 Afghanistan 1433.013 MWK
31 Paraguay 1453.997 MWK
32 Vietnam 1500.661 MWK
33 USA 1553.496 MWK
34 Maldives 1572.187 MWK
35 Panama 1577.743 MWK
36 Pakistan 1593.492 MWK
37 Puerto Rico 1634.895 MWK
38 Gabon 1641.300 MWK
39 Taiwan 1649.258 MWK
40 Colombia 1686.638 MWK
41 Uzbekistan 1725.573 MWK
42 El Salvador 1769.981 MWK
43 Bangladesh 1777.448 MWK
44 Guyana 1782.039 MWK
45 Lesotho 1793.680 MWK
46 Brazil 1797.739 MWK
47 Ghana 1801.601 MWK
48 Honduras 1813.803 MWK
49 Sudan 1815.448 MWK
50 DR Congo 1817.915 MWK
51 Botswana 1842.816 MWK
52 Guatemala 1874.899 MWK
53 Togo 1875.772 MWK
54 Georgia 1879.981 MWK
55 Namibia 1891.790 MWK
56 Benin 1917.149 MWK
57 Swaziland 1923.714 MWK
58 Mali 1930.942 MWK
59 Tanzania 1930.994 MWK
60 Cambodia 1937.918 MWK
61 Philippines 1946.379 MWK
62 Haiti 1962.953 MWK
63 Rwanda 1966.269 MWK
64 Trinidad&Tobago 1976.984 MWK
65 Grenada 1986.579 MWK
66 Mongolia 1992.834 MWK
67 South Africa 1994.723 MWK
68 China 1995.436 MWK
69 Peru 1999.867 MWK
70 Japan 2015.896 MWK
71 India 2027.875 MWK
72 Nepal 2044.749 MWK
73 South Korea 2063.846 MWK
74 Argentina 2080.923 MWK
75 Suriname 2092.760 MWK
76 Jamaica 2143.506 MWK
77 Cape Verde 2149.776 MWK
78 Sri Lanka 2154.548 MWK
79 Zambia 2160.677 MWK
80 Dominican Republic 2165.699 MWK
81 Mexico 2178.703 MWK
82 Madagascar 2182.378 MWK
83 Canada 2188.964 MWK
84 Australia 2190.395 MWK
85 Turkey 2198.759 MWK
86 Chile 2233.429 MWK
87 Moldova 2242.696 MWK
88 Aruba 2246.633 MWK
89 Bosnia & Herz. 2250.667 MWK
90 Sierra Leone 2254.719 MWK
91 Mauritius 2285.768 MWK
92 Armenia 2291.750 MWK
93 Costa Rica 2298.804 MWK
94 Dominica 2300.586 MWK
95 Nicaragua 2308.247 MWK
96 Syria 2317.698 MWK
97 Morocco 2323.876 MWK
98 Saint Lucia 2326.220 MWK
99 Mozambique 2337.632 MWK
100 Burundi 2344.074 MWK
101 Burkina Faso 2344.715 MWK
102 Thailand 2345.002 MWK
103 Kenya 2346.621 MWK
104 Bulgaria 2358.542 MWK
105 Uganda 2371.445 MWK
106 Northern Macedonia 2381.094 MWK
107 Laos 2394.805 MWK
108 Guinea 2406.388 MWK
109 Ivory Coast 2413.677 MWK
110 Ukraine 2419.437 MWK
111 Malta 2425.975 MWK
112 Seychelles 2445.862 MWK
113 Bahamas 2450.610 MWK
114 Cayman Islands 2513.575 MWK
115 Malawi 2529.997 MWK
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About Countries where the Petrol Price is cheaper than Malawi

Here, you can find a fresh list of those countries where the gasoline (or petrol) price is cheaper than Malawi. The fuel price collection data (i.e., Gasoline price in Malawi, etc.) is listed below in the table. The currency information (i.e., MWK) was last updated on 2025-01-24 06:05:35 (GMT Time). Some countries of the world are missing in the above list.
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Fuel Type Date Updated
Gasoline (Petrol): 2025-01-20
Diesel : 2025-01-20