
Countries where the Petrol Price is Cheaper than Mongolia

# Country 1 Liter Price
1 Venezuela 3.520 MNT
2 Lebanon 51.218 MNT
3 Libya 103.598 MNT
4 Angola 1115.928 MNT
5 Egypt 1147.558 MNT
6 Kuwait 1157.308 MNT
7 Algeria 1157.532 MNT
8 Iran 1211.048 MNT
9 Turkmenistan 1456.286 MNT
10 Malaysia 1570.134 MNT
11 Kazakhstan 1595.229 MNT
12 Bahrain 1803.289 MNT
13 Bolivia 1838.878 MNT
14 Qatar 1954.800 MNT
15 Russia 2083.684 MNT
16 Oman 2109.764 MNT
17 Saudi Arabia 2110.576 MNT
18 Azerbaijan 2198.706 MNT
19 Iraq 2204.455 MNT
20 United Arab Emirates 2312.836 MNT
21 Ecuador 2436.366 MNT
22 Bhutan 2493.566 MNT
23 Nigeria 2588.835 MNT
24 Indonesia 2683.297 MNT
25 Ethiopia 2695.047 MNT
26 Tunisia 2698.040 MNT
27 Liberia 2736.442 MNT
28 Chad 2800.960 MNT
29 Kyrgyzstan 2803.496 MNT
30 Paraguay 2847.786 MNT
31 Afghanistan 2848.011 MNT
32 Vietnam 2898.182 MNT
33 USA 3048.006 MNT
34 Maldives 3083.677 MNT
35 Panama 3095.578 MNT
36 Pakistan 3120.578 MNT
37 Taiwan 3188.660 MNT
38 Puerto Rico 3207.712 MNT
39 Gabon 3217.319 MNT
40 Colombia 3263.852 MNT
41 El Salvador 3364.020 MNT
42 Uzbekistan 3378.129 MNT
43 Brazil 3481.673 MNT
44 Bangladesh 3482.400 MNT
45 Guyana 3493.005 MNT
46 Honduras 3512.371 MNT
47 Lesotho 3530.602 MNT
48 Ghana 3541.030 MNT
49 Guatemala 3546.111 MNT
50 DR Congo 3561.063 MNT
51 Sudan 3561.963 MNT
52 Botswana 3621.757 MNT
53 Togo 3676.936 MNT
54 Georgia 3697.120 MNT
55 Namibia 3723.682 MNT
56 Benin 3758.044 MNT
57 Philippines 3769.674 MNT
58 China 3780.978 MNT
59 Tanzania 3784.891 MNT
60 Mali 3785.081 MNT
61 Swaziland 3790.951 MNT
62 Cambodia 3792.242 MNT
63 Rwanda 3811.600 MNT
64 Argentina 3817.076 MNT
65 Haiti 3848.860 MNT
66 Trinidad&Tobago 3875.931 MNT
67 South Africa 3901.236 MNT
68 Peru 3906.536 MNT
69 Mongolia 3910.000 MNT
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About Countries where the Petrol Price is cheaper than Mongolia

Here, you can find a fresh list of those countries where the gasoline (or petrol) price is cheaper than Mongolia. The fuel price collection data (i.e., Gasoline price in Mongolia, etc.) is listed below in the table. The currency information (i.e., MNT) was last updated on 2025-01-22 13:05:00 (GMT Time). Some countries of the world are missing in the above list.
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Fuel Type Date Updated
Gasoline (Petrol): 2025-01-20
Diesel : 2025-01-20