Country: | |
Display: |
# | Country | 1 Liter Price |
1 | Venezuela | 22.508 LAK |
2 | Lebanon | 327.504 LAK |
3 | Libya | 666.783 LAK |
4 | Angola | 7116.878 LAK |
5 | Egypt | 7306.704 LAK |
6 | Kuwait | 7396.711 LAK |
7 | Algeria | 7406.613 LAK |
8 | Iran | 7744.651 LAK |
9 | Turkmenistan | 9312.943 LAK |
10 | Malaysia | 10081.908 LAK |
11 | Kazakhstan | 10506.568 LAK |
12 | Bahrain | 11538.180 LAK |
13 | Bolivia | 11757.550 LAK |
14 | Qatar | 12514.124 LAK |
15 | Nigeria | 13431.026 LAK |
16 | Oman | 13489.516 LAK |
17 | Saudi Arabia | 13501.078 LAK |
18 | Azerbaijan | 14060.718 LAK |
19 | Iraq | 14094.409 LAK |
20 | Russia | 14802.318 LAK |
21 | United Arab Emirates | 15559.604 LAK |
22 | Ecuador | 15884.776 LAK |
23 | Bhutan | 16576.273 LAK |
24 | Indonesia | 17075.338 LAK |
25 | Tunisia | 17346.733 LAK |
26 | Ethiopia | 17498.762 LAK |
27 | Kyrgyzstan | 17769.316 LAK |
28 | Chad | 17952.826 LAK |
29 | Vietnam | 18239.747 LAK |
30 | Afghanistan | 18503.547 LAK |
31 | Liberia | 18922.051 LAK |
32 | Paraguay | 19077.472 LAK |
33 | Maldives | 19726.506 LAK |
34 | Pakistan | 19906.136 LAK |
35 | USA | 19970.054 LAK |
36 | Panama | 20035.244 LAK |
37 | Syria | 20556.950 LAK |
38 | Gabon | 20621.490 LAK |
39 | Puerto Rico | 20643.690 LAK |
40 | Taiwan | 20744.031 LAK |
41 | Uzbekistan | 21641.792 LAK |
42 | Ghana | 22050.562 LAK |
43 | Colombia | 22174.782 LAK |
44 | Guyana | 22263.345 LAK |
45 | El Salvador | 22490.756 LAK |
46 | Bangladesh | 22527.193 LAK |
47 | DR Congo | 22683.989 LAK |
48 | Sudan | 22778.745 LAK |
49 | Honduras | 23096.946 LAK |
50 | Botswana | 23276.711 LAK |
51 | Togo | 23567.417 LAK |
52 | Tanzania | 23623.425 LAK |
53 | Guatemala | 23636.774 LAK |
54 | Philippines | 23691.405 LAK |
55 | Lesotho | 23863.503 LAK |
56 | Benin | 24087.287 LAK |
57 | Brazil | 24147.194 LAK |
58 | Mali | 24260.576 LAK |
59 | Swaziland | 24403.808 LAK |
60 | Namibia | 24479.336 LAK |
61 | Georgia | 24480.368 LAK |
62 | Haiti | 24484.485 LAK |
63 | Trinidad&Tobago | 24774.879 LAK |
64 | Cambodia | 24907.616 LAK |
65 | Grenada | 24925.948 LAK |
66 | Mongolia | 25004.438 LAK |
67 | China | 25017.750 LAK |
68 | Peru | 25053.662 LAK |
69 | Argentina | 25055.405 LAK |
70 | Rwanda | 25208.550 LAK |
71 | Madagascar | 25263.611 LAK |
72 | India | 25348.699 LAK |
73 | South Africa | 26037.503 LAK |
74 | South Korea | 26229.407 LAK |
75 | Suriname | 26396.667 LAK |
76 | Nepal | 26414.269 LAK |
77 | Jamaica | 26535.245 LAK |
78 | Dominican Republic | 26715.618 LAK |
79 | Japan | 26881.372 LAK |
80 | Zambia | 26969.049 LAK |
81 | Mexico | 27189.200 LAK |
82 | Sri Lanka | 27258.935 LAK |
83 | Australia | 27614.734 LAK |
84 | Turkey | 27662.506 LAK |
85 | Canada | 27797.193 LAK |
86 | Cape Verde | 28235.115 LAK |
87 | Sierra Leone | 28290.348 LAK |
88 | Moldova | 28648.354 LAK |
89 | Mauritius | 28735.702 LAK |
90 | Costa Rica | 28857.263 LAK |
91 | Dominica | 28865.856 LAK |
92 | Nicaragua | 28903.789 LAK |
93 | Bosnia & Herz. | 28953.337 LAK |
94 | Thailand | 29171.358 LAK |
95 | Aruba | 29178.831 LAK |
96 | Saint Lucia | 29187.482 LAK |
97 | Bulgaria | 29209.151 LAK |
98 | Armenia | 29219.679 LAK |
99 | Mozambique | 29330.672 LAK |
100 | Burundi | 29339.455 LAK |
101 | Northern Macedonia | 29361.484 LAK |
102 | Kenya | 29383.347 LAK |
103 | Burkina Faso | 29459.271 LAK |
104 | Morocco | 29523.675 LAK |
105 | Uganda | 29817.601 LAK |
106 | Laos | 29850.009 LAK |
Here, you can find a fresh list of those countries where the gasoline (or petrol) price is cheaper than Laos.
The fuel price collection data (i.e., Gasoline price in Laos, etc.) is listed below in the table.
The currency information (i.e., LAK) was last updated on 2025-02-22 07:05:23 (GMT Time). Some countries of the world are missing in the above list.
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Fuel Type | Date Updated |
Gasoline (Petrol): | 2025-02-10 |
Diesel : | 2025-02-10 |