Country: | |
Display: |
# | Country | 1 Liter Price |
116 | Cayman Islands | 1.219 KYD |
117 | Romania | 1.223 KYD |
118 | Seychelles | 1.227 KYD |
119 | Czech Republic | 1.235 KYD |
120 | Poland | 1.258 KYD |
121 | Slovenia | 1.280 KYD |
122 | Luxembourg | 1.294 KYD |
123 | Burma | 1.296 KYD |
124 | Jordan | 1.298 KYD |
125 | Hungary | 1.299 KYD |
126 | Spain | 1.308 KYD |
127 | Senegal | 1.312 KYD |
128 | Austria | 1.315 KYD |
129 | Sweden | 1.321 KYD |
130 | Slovakia | 1.322 KYD |
131 | Croatia | 1.328 KYD |
132 | Serbia | 1.330 KYD |
133 | Latvia | 1.352 KYD |
134 | Belgium | 1.377 KYD |
135 | Estonia | 1.391 KYD |
136 | Uruguay | 1.397 KYD |
137 | United Kingdom | 1.429 KYD |
138 | Germany | 1.444 KYD |
139 | Finland | 1.449 KYD |
140 | Central African Rep. | 1.457 KYD |
141 | Portugal | 1.479 KYD |
142 | France | 1.488 KYD |
143 | New Zealand | 1.494 KYD |
144 | Belize | 1.505 KYD |
145 | Mayotte | 1.512 KYD |
146 | Albania | 1.522 KYD |
147 | Italy | 1.527 KYD |
148 | Ireland | 1.527 KYD |
149 | Norway | 1.548 KYD |
150 | Greece | 1.550 KYD |
151 | Barbados | 1.616 KYD |
152 | Switzerland | 1.624 KYD |
153 | Liechtenstein | 1.660 KYD |
154 | Singapore | 1.685 KYD |
155 | Denmark | 1.696 KYD |
156 | Netherlands | 1.703 KYD |
157 | Iceland | 1.815 KYD |
158 | Monaco | 1.851 KYD |
159 | Yemen | 2.134 KYD |
160 | Hong Kong | 2.757 KYD |
161 | Syria | 4.096 KYD |
162 | Cuba | 5.047 KYD |
Here, you can find a fresh list of those countries where the gasoline (or petrol) price is expensive than Cayman Islands.
The fuel price collection data (i.e., Gasoline price in Cayman Islands, etc.) is listed below in the table.
The currency information (i.e., KYD) was last updated on 2024-12-21 11:05:07 (GMT Time). Some countries of the world are missing in the above list.
We provide all information on this website subject to our privacy policy, disclaimer, etc.
Fuel Type | Date Updated |
Gasoline (Petrol): | 2024-12-16 |
Diesel : | 2024-12-16 |