Country: | |
Display: |
# | Country | 1 Liter Price |
93 | Chile | 1285.330 CLP |
94 | Saint Lucia | 1289.826 CLP |
95 | Mozambique | 1295.951 CLP |
96 | Northern Macedonia | 1305.950 CLP |
97 | Bulgaria | 1306.830 CLP |
98 | Morocco | 1308.021 CLP |
99 | Costa Rica | 1312.490 CLP |
100 | Burundi | 1323.661 CLP |
101 | Ukraine | 1333.444 CLP |
102 | Kenya | 1336.496 CLP |
103 | Guinea | 1337.797 CLP |
104 | Laos | 1338.321 CLP |
105 | Armenia | 1341.564 CLP |
106 | Burkina Faso | 1348.251 CLP |
107 | Bahamas | 1360.718 CLP |
108 | Uganda | 1362.956 CLP |
109 | Mauritius | 1386.188 CLP |
110 | Ivory Coast | 1387.906 CLP |
111 | Malta | 1394.062 CLP |
112 | Malawi | 1402.852 CLP |
113 | Andorra | 1404.465 CLP |
114 | Cayman Islands | 1409.854 CLP |
115 | Lithuania | 1431.514 CLP |
116 | Poland | 1452.682 CLP |
117 | Cyprus | 1454.402 CLP |
118 | Czech Republic | 1468.638 CLP |
119 | Seychelles | 1475.381 CLP |
120 | Jordan | 1482.876 CLP |
121 | Romania | 1484.226 CLP |
122 | Sweden | 1513.576 CLP |
123 | Hungary | 1530.225 CLP |
124 | Luxembourg | 1544.912 CLP |
125 | Burma | 1548.387 CLP |
126 | Slovenia | 1550.113 CLP |
127 | Spain | 1560.517 CLP |
128 | Austria | 1561.557 CLP |
129 | Croatia | 1563.638 CLP |
130 | Senegal | 1570.316 CLP |
131 | Slovakia | 1579.243 CLP |
132 | Latvia | 1581.324 CLP |
133 | Serbia | 1624.752 CLP |
134 | Belgium | 1636.462 CLP |
135 | Estonia | 1658.309 CLP |
136 | United Kingdom | 1667.826 CLP |
137 | Germany | 1722.810 CLP |
138 | Uruguay | 1729.544 CLP |
139 | Belize | 1731.453 CLP |
140 | Central African Rep. | 1744.796 CLP |
141 | Mayotte | 1768.586 CLP |
142 | France | 1771.707 CLP |
143 | Ireland | 1780.029 CLP |
144 | Portugal | 1782.110 CLP |
145 | Finland | 1786.271 CLP |
146 | New Zealand | 1815.070 CLP |
147 | Norway | 1833.648 CLP |
148 | Albania | 1838.430 CLP |
149 | Italy | 1846.611 CLP |
150 | Greece | 1862.217 CLP |
151 | Liechtenstein | 1921.114 CLP |
152 | Switzerland | 1935.467 CLP |
153 | Netherlands | 1984.977 CLP |
154 | Singapore | 1985.015 CLP |
155 | Denmark | 2007.240 CLP |
156 | Barbados | 2026.193 CLP |
157 | Iceland | 2150.495 CLP |
158 | Monaco | 2215.934 CLP |
159 | Yemen | 2454.882 CLP |
160 | Hong Kong | 3178.269 CLP |
161 | Syria | 4720.895 CLP |
162 | Cuba | 5817.625 CLP |
Here, you can find a fresh list of those countries where the gasoline (or petrol) price is expensive than Chile.
The fuel price collection data (i.e., Gasoline price in Chile, etc.) is listed below in the table.
The currency information (i.e., CLP) was last updated on 2024-11-03 16:05:23 (GMT Time). Some countries of the world are missing in the above list.
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Fuel Type | Date Updated |
Gasoline (Petrol): | 2024-10-28 |
Diesel : | 2024-10-28 |