
Countries where the Petrol Price is Cheaper than Argentina

# Country 1 Liter Price
1 Venezuela 1.096 ARS
2 Lebanon 15.951 ARS
3 Libya 32.476 ARS
4 Angola 346.631 ARS
5 Egypt 355.877 ARS
6 Kuwait 360.260 ARS
7 Algeria 360.743 ARS
8 Iran 377.207 ARS
9 Turkmenistan 453.591 ARS
10 Malaysia 491.044 ARS
11 Kazakhstan 511.728 ARS
12 Bahrain 561.973 ARS
13 Bolivia 572.657 ARS
14 Qatar 609.507 ARS
15 Nigeria 654.165 ARS
16 Oman 657.013 ARS
17 Saudi Arabia 657.577 ARS
18 Azerbaijan 684.834 ARS
19 Iraq 686.475 ARS
20 Russia 720.954 ARS
21 United Arab Emirates 757.838 ARS
22 Ecuador 773.676 ARS
23 Bhutan 807.355 ARS
24 Indonesia 831.663 ARS
25 Tunisia 844.881 ARS
26 Ethiopia 852.286 ARS
27 Kyrgyzstan 865.463 ARS
28 Chad 874.401 ARS
29 Vietnam 888.376 ARS
30 Afghanistan 901.224 ARS
31 Liberia 921.608 ARS
32 Paraguay 929.178 ARS
33 Maldives 960.789 ARS
34 Pakistan 969.538 ARS
35 USA 972.651 ARS
36 Panama 975.826 ARS
37 Syria 1001.236 ARS
38 Gabon 1004.380 ARS
39 Puerto Rico 1005.461 ARS
40 Taiwan 1010.348 ARS
41 Uzbekistan 1054.074 ARS
42 Ghana 1073.983 ARS
43 Colombia 1080.034 ARS
44 Guyana 1084.347 ARS
45 El Salvador 1095.423 ARS
46 Bangladesh 1097.198 ARS
47 DR Congo 1104.835 ARS
48 Sudan 1109.450 ARS
49 Honduras 1124.948 ARS
50 Botswana 1133.704 ARS
51 Togo 1147.863 ARS
52 Tanzania 1150.590 ARS
53 Guatemala 1151.241 ARS
54 Philippines 1153.901 ARS
55 Lesotho 1162.284 ARS
56 Benin 1173.183 ARS
57 Brazil 1176.101 ARS
58 Mali 1181.623 ARS
59 Swaziland 1188.599 ARS
60 Namibia 1192.278 ARS
61 Georgia 1192.328 ARS
62 Haiti 1192.529 ARS
63 Trinidad&Tobago 1206.673 ARS
64 Cambodia 1213.138 ARS
65 Grenada 1214.030 ARS
66 Mongolia 1217.853 ARS
67 China 1218.502 ARS
68 Peru 1220.251 ARS
69 Argentina 1220.336 ARS
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About Countries where the Petrol Price is cheaper than Argentina

Here, you can find a fresh list of those countries where the gasoline (or petrol) price is cheaper than Argentina. The fuel price collection data (i.e., Gasoline price in Argentina, etc.) is listed below in the table. The currency information (i.e., ARS) was last updated on 2025-02-22 07:05:23 (GMT Time). Some countries of the world are missing in the above list.
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Fuel Type Date Updated
Gasoline (Petrol): 2025-02-17
Diesel : 2025-02-17